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Bidder and Supplier Registration Information

Vendor Reporting for the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

General Background

The University is a recipient of funds received by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Some of these funds will be used for payment of goods and/or services to vendors. If possible, vendors will be notified before a purchase is made that ARRA funds are being used to purchase goods or services, however, such notification may not be possible until after the purchase is complete.  Any vendors receiving payments using ARRA funding are responsible for 1512 reporting obligations mandated by the Federal Government. 

The information contained here is not designed or intended to be a comprehensive list of the obligations and responsibilities under the ARRA.

University Requirements

For any individual vendor payments of $25,000 or more, the University will request information on jobs created and/or retained from the vendor. This will be requested on a quarterly basis and include both a number of jobs created/retained and a brief description.

Jobs or positions created means those new positions created and filled, or previously existing unfilled positions that are filled, as a result of ARRA funding.

Jobs or positions retained means those previously existing filled positions that are retained under ARRA funding.

The description may rely on job titles, broader labor categories, or the contractor's existing practice for describing jobs as long as the terms used are widely understood and describe the general nature of the work. A job cannot be reported as both created and retained.

Minority Classifications

A minority or women business is defined as an organization in which 51% of the ownership interest, stock or otherwise, is owned by minority or women group members. The determination of minority or women status depends solely on ownership and operation and is not related to employment of minority persons or women.
(Note: Certificates are required for MBE/WBE suppliers, consultants and contractors. Please have the certificates available in electronic format before beginning your registration.)

Reviewed 2022-10-14