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MUHC Vendor Information and Policies

Doing Business With Us

Purchasing Goals & Objectives
Suppliers Responsibilities


Welcome Valued Suppliers!

University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care is an academic health system owned and governed by the University of 欧美日b大片, a multi-campus university system. The purchasing function reports to the Contracts Administration Department, University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care, One Hospital Drive, DCO68.20, Columbia, MO 65212. Purchasing is physically located at 2401 Lemone Industrial Blvd., RM 168, Columbia, MO. This department authorizes and oversees purchasing and contracting activities for all of the hospitals and clinics. The Purchasing Department derives its authority to purchase from the Board of Curators of the University of 欧美日b大片 and University of 欧美日b大片 (UM) Central Administration.

Public and competitive bidding is the method for contracting goods and services bought by University Hospitals and Clinics. University Hospitals also participates in cooperative purchasing agreements when same or similar contracting procedures have been used to award the contract.

Contracts Administration Hours for Interviews
The Contracts Administration Department is located in Room QD168 in the Quarterdeck Building, 2401 Lemone Industrial Blvd. Our buyers assure vendors a prompt and courteous reception as time permits; however, we ask that each visit be limited to 10 minutes. If more time is needed, please arrange for an appointment. Appointments are scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (573) 882-7178 to schedule an appointment.

Group Purchasing Organization
University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care is a member of University Health systems Consortium and uses Novation as its primary group purchasing organization and MedAssets as its secondary group purchasing organization. Representatives should make effort to provide information to buyers regarding contracts with this group.

Minority Supplier Initiative
University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care strives to do business with registered disadvantaged business enterprises. In addition, we request that vendors provide second-tier reporting of minority purchases. Suppliers are to track and report these purchases to this office.

Other Information
If you have any questions about policies and procedures, please ask the Manager of Contracts Administration to answer your questions. Failure to understand University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care's policies will not exempt a sales representative from responsibility.


Purchasing Goals and Objectives*

  1. To ensure the safety, comfort and confidentiality of our patients at all times. 
  2. To conduct the purchasing function in a manner that supports the policies and procedures of our institution and ethical practices of the public purchasing profession, always keeping an open and competitive sales environment.
  3. To serve and facilitate the needs of University Hospitals and Clinics and to make purchasing commitments in a timely, consistent and orderly fashion.
  4. To foster a high standard of public relations with suppliers assisting with our patient care mission.
  5. To obtain the maximum value for our institution’s expenditures and foster competition in the acquisition of products and services. 
  6. To foster the spirit of partnership in our relationships with suppliers and afford each company supporting our mission a courteous and prompt reception in exchanging information in the business relationship. To demand honesty in the buyer-sales relationship, whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement, an advertisement or a product sample. 
  7. To foster fair, ethical and legal trade practices at all times and decline personal gratuities.
  8. To make every reasonable effort to negotiate an equitable and mutually agreeable settlement with a supplier without compromising the established policies of our institution.

*As adapted from the Code of Ethics advocated by the National Association of Educational Buyers.


Supplier's Responsibilities

Vendor Visitation
University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care has moved to a new vendor registration system. This system is managed by an outside company, RepTrax Inc. All vendor representatives who wish to do business with any part of University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care will have to register with the RepTrax system. This system and requirements are designed to protect our patients, University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care and you.

The RepTrax system will replace vendor registration process that had been performed by University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care Purchasing, Contracts Administration and Guest Services staff. All current vendors need to register with RepTrax; failure to do so may result in loss of access to UMHC facilities. To register with the RepTrax system visits their website at . Once registered UMHC has 6 kiosk stations for vendors to check in while visiting any of the campuses. Vendors are to check into a vendor kiosk each time they visit any UMHC facility, where vendors will receive a name badge to be worn while in the facility that day.

The vendor checks-in kiosks are located in the following locations:

  • Woman’s and Children’s Hospital - inside front door of main hospital lobby on the right 
  • University Hospital - back part of main hospital entrance lobby, next to patient registration and downstairs ground floor outside GL-11 and east patient elevators.
  • 欧美日b大片 Orthopaedic Institute – inside main entrance, office to left of registration desk. 
  • Ellis Fischel Cancer Center - inside front lobby, on back side of left wall of front entrance 
  • 欧美日b大片 Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Vernon 欧美日b大片

All vendors must adhere to the following policy:



All vendor representatives are visitors of University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care and shall comply with visitation policies and procedures, institutional and departmental, relating to their visiting purpose.

General Information

  1. All reps will adhere to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care policies and procedures and will abide by the laws and regulations of the State of 欧美日b大片, federal government, JCAHO, AORN, HIPAA Privacy law, and any other present or future laws and or regulatory standards of practice. Pharmaceutical representatives must follow state/federal regulations and institutional policies regarding the Formulary and drug samples, and follow the current PhRMA Code of Ethics.
  2. Representatives from sales organizations will be required to meet the following requirements by University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care. All reps must complete initial and subsequent annual orientation/code of conduct in-service provided by Contracts Administration (or designated UMHC staff) and sign a confidentiality agreement before meeting with any University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care staff (which includes medical staff). University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care uses a Vendor Visitation and Credentialing Management System. Vendor Representatives are required to register through this system and remain compliant by submitting all the necessary information to sustain “Approved Vendor” status. All representatives will be classified as either Tier 1 Non-Clinical Reps. or Tier 2 Clinical Reps. Below lists the annual requirements for each designation.
    • Tier 1. Non-Clinical Reps - Representatives, who have regular or irregular business on site but do not have any servicing responsibilities in clinical areas. These representatives are responsible to:
      • Sign Annual Confidentiality Agreement
      • Receive Code Training (pamphlet or on- line)
      • Log into Vendor Management System every day they are on-site
      • Complete Orientation Modules
      • Complete Annual Training every year
      • Issued semi-permanent ID from the system every 24 hours
    • Tier 2. Clinical Reps – Representatives, who have regular or irregular business on site but have both sales and servicing responsibilities participating in clinical activities and/or cases such as Operating Room, Cath Lab, Radiology, etc. These representatives are responsible to:
      • Sign Annual Confidentiality Agreement 
      • Receive Code Training (pamphlet or on- line)
      • Log into Vendor Management System every day they are on-site
      • Complete Orientation Modules
      • Complete Annual Training every year 
      • Will be issued semi-permanent ID from UMHC 
      • Provide documentation of immunizations and annual PPD or Quantaferon
      • Gold testing for TB or Chest X-ray if latent and keeping all required records about their credentialing and health records up to date on the vendor visitation management system.
  3. In the event a rep does not maintain requirements to remain an approved vendor, rep will no longer be allowed visiting privileges at University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care facilities.
  4. No representatives may offer or provide gifts and/or gratuities to University employees as stipulated under University of 欧美日b大片 System Purchasing Policy #204, Section 200 Code of Ethics. This policy restricts reps from providing nominal gifts or food in excess of the limits described in UMHC Corporate Compliance policy CC-4 “Conflict of Interest”.
  5. Upon each visit the following information will be required
    1. Name of University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care employee, physician or unit with whom they will be visiting
    2. The time of the scheduled appointment – all appointments must be scheduled in advance
    3. The purpose of the visit
  6. All reps must have a pre-arranged appointment before meeting with any University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care’s staff. Appointments may be made with University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care’s staff by direct mail, e-mail or telephone.
  7. All reps must limit appointments to office areas only and where they have been approved to visit at check-in. Departments must refuse to meet with any vendor representative who is not displaying the proper University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care ID authorization applicable by date for that visit.
  8. No representatives may detail products for the purpose of current or future sales with University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care staff in patient care areas, public areas within our hospitals or clinics (which includes food facilities), or when they are en route to their destination.
  9. No representatives may distribute promotional materials in public areas, to patients, or to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care staff in their mailboxes without Management authorization. Unrequested product samples and equipment are not to be left on the premises of University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care.
  10. A valid purchase order number or procurement card number, as is applicable, must authorize all products and equipment provided to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care prior to placement. Any loaned or gifted items particularly equipment, devices or instruments must be authorized prior to placement with a “no charge” purchase order. All incoming products and equipment must be covered by a University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care purchase order which is issued by Purchasing. Any product or equipment that could affect the infrastructure of any UMHC facility will need approval from Engineering Services prior to purchase. Medical equipment must be inspected and approved by Clinical Engineering prior to use. Reps will assume all responsibility for the equipment on loan or for evaluation for proper operation or suitability. Reps may not introduce products to any facility prior to meeting with the appropriate purchasing representative. Products and equipment that are delivered without a valid purchase order may be considered a donation to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care or may be returned at vendor’s expense.
  11. All representatives are not allowed to bring in equipment, instruments, or supplies unless approved by the department in advance or payment will be denied. The only exception will be if equipment, instruments or supplies are emergently requested by authorized UMHC staff.
  12. Representatives may not be able to promote all products they desire. All reps are responsible to know what can and cannot be promoted. Clarification must be sought through the Purchasing, Contracts Administration or the primary department where the rep visits.
  13. Reps can provide pricing quotations to department management for budgeting needs. Reps are not to discuss content of any request for bid/proposal with any department while it is open for vendors to respond to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care. The discussion is to take place with the appropriate Contracts Specialist in Contracts Administration.
  14. Leniency of this policy by any department is not permitted. All reps must additionally comply with any departmental policies that apply in the areas where they visit. Reps who visit patient care areas may be required to provide evidence of immunizations and current TB testing. Management staff in those departments should be consulted regarding the existence of the policy or any interpretations.
  15. Pre-approved or contracted vendors must check in each time they visit at the designated check-in location.
  16. Educational Sessions, lunch-n-learns or other training for physician residents or other School of Medicine employees, must be scheduled through the appropriate School of Medicine department. If training time is requested, it must be approved, scheduled and monitored by the department.



  1. Vendor representatives and technicians must park in designated vendor parking when visiting.
  2. Vendor representatives must always check into the Vendor management kiosk at that particular facility. Name badges must be worn and visible at eye level during their stay.
  3. Vendor representatives are also required to check in at the Department.
  4. Vendor representatives are to leave all information and samples for nursing personnel with the Contracts Specialist in Contracts Administration.



  1. Violations of any policy affecting pharmaceutical reps should be reported to the Pharmacy Office at 882-8700. After investigation, the report will be referred to the Chief of Staff for action/consequences as deemed appropriate including suspension or debarment from sales activities to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care. All other representative policy violations should be reported to Contracts Administration at 882-7178.
  2. First violation of University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care’s policies and/or inappropriate conduct will require the representative to report to Contracts Administration Department where the policies are explained. If the nature of the incident is serious, the Contracts Administration Manager may suspend or debar the company from sales activities to University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care.
  3. On the second violation, the representative will be asked to leave the hospital and a letter will be sent to the sales representative, his direct supervisor and company detailing the infraction and the requirements for correction. Requirements of correction are based upon seriousness of the incident and could result in suspension or debarment of vendor from University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care.
  4. The third violation will result a ban from all University of 欧美日b大片 Health Care facilities.


Reviewed 2019-08-05