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This page contains our most frequently asked questions. Click on the category of interest to expand the list of questions to view.


What is the difference between catalog requisition and non-catalog requisition?
A catalog requisition is a request for items from existing University contracts with special pricing that are loaded into the online eProcurement system called Show-Me Shop. A non-catalog requisition is a request for items NOT covered by existing University contracts listed in the online eProcurement system called Show-Me Shop.
Do I have to enter delivery and funding information for each requisiton?
No. Each Requester has a default ShipTo code (aka delivery address) and a default chartfield string (aka funding) associated with their user ID. Nothing needs to be entered, but you have the ability to change the defaults as needed. See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide.
Can I split fund a requisition and where do I change the funding?
See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide.
Can I split fund a requisition using another business unit's MoCode/chartfield information if the other business unit is paying for part of the order?
No. Funding on a requisition cannot cross business units. The business unit identified at the beginning of requisition creation must match each line item's GL unit and PC Business Unit on all MoCode/chartfield strings used. After the order is paid, a journal entry can be created to move a portion of the expense to the appropriate MoCode/Chartfield string of the other business unit.
Can I change the default delivery address and where do I change the Ship To code?
See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide.
Can I use more than one Ship To code on a requisition if some items are going to different locations?
Use only one Ship To code per vendor on a single requisition.
Can I enter no charge items on a requisition?
Yes, if an item is no cost, the system will display a question when adding the item. Click the yes button to confirm the item is zero dollars and to continue with the requisition creation process.
Can I enter a discount or credit line item with a negative dollar amount?
Yes, enter a dash before the digits in the price field and the system treats it similar to a no charge item. When an item is entered with a negative dollar amount or zero dollars, the system will display a question after you click Add Item. Click the Yes button if the item's cost is a negative dollar amount or zero. The discount/credit amount is calculated in the total amount of the requisition.
Is there a decimal place cut off in the price field? When I entered our department's annual maintenance agreement requisition, the cost per copy price was rounded. How do I change it to show the actual amount?
The system displays a rounded unit cost on some pages and not others; however, good news is the system calculates the extended cost using the actual and correct unit cost entered. For example, you can enter $.0175 as the unit cost and enter the quantity is 50,000 for line item total amount of $875. After adding the item and going to the review and submit page, the unit cost is displayed as a rounded amount three decimal places out ($.018) with an extended total price of $875. If the system calculated $.018 x 50,000, the total would be $900. The line item distribution detail (accessed via the truck icon on the line item row) shows the correct and actual unit cost of $.0175 and correct extended amount of $875. If you save the req and go to Manage Requisitions, click on the req name/number to see the requisition details, a rounded unit cost of $0.010 is displayed, but again the extended amount is shown correctly as $875. When the Approver views line detail information before approving the req, the unit cost of $.0175 is displayed correctly there too. If you print the req using the UM Print Req process, it will display the correct unit cost as entered.
Can I create a template for catalog items?
No, not a template, but you can create favorites for catalog items in the Show-Me Shop. See the Show Me Shop Quick Reference Guide for instructions.
Can I copy a requisition?
Only non-catalog requisitions can be copied. If the requisition to be copied is not Approved status on the Manage Requisitions page, the requisition should be available to copy into a new request by clicking the Select Action dropdown and choosing Copy Requisition. Be sure to review the chartfield information on each line of the new requisition as some fields may not be populated.
Does a Buyer name need to be included on the requisition?
Buyer field is only applicable to non-catalog requisitions and use of it is optional. A procurement services buyer can be added to a non-catalog requisition by selecting a name using the buyer field look up feature under Line Defaults on the Define Requisition page (entry on this page must be made BEFORE adding any line items), or by clicking on the Line Details icon on the right end each line item row on Review and Submit page after line items are added.
How do I delete a requisition?
Requesters cannot delete or cancel a requisition. Contact procurement services if a requisition needs to be canceled. A requisition can only be canceled by procurement before a PO is issued. If a PO has been issued, procurement would need to cancel the PO and the requisition.
How do I print a requisition?
Use UM Print Req feature. Menu path is eProcurement > UM Print Requisition. Refer to 鈥淧rinting a Requisition鈥 section of the eProcurement Requester Training Guide for detailed steps.
How come all the requisitions I created do not appear in Manage Requisitions?
Search results depend on the criteria used in Manage Requisitions. The Date fields for searching in Manage Requisitions default one week from the current date so expand the date range or remove the values in the date fields. The Request Status may also limit the results. The default Request Status "All but Complete" will pull information for all requisitions except those associated with POs that are paid in full, so change the Request Status as needed to narrow the search to a specific status or select the first option (blank) under the Request Status drop down to not include any status criteria.

One Card


If I have more than one Approver, do both have to approve the requisition?
No. If you have multiple Approvers assigned to you in the workflow, only one designated Approver's approval is needed to approve a requisition. If you have more than one workflow approver, they will appear in a single approval path box and the Approvers' information is viewable by clicking the "multiple approvers" hyperlink.

You also have the ability to add other users as AdHoc Reviewer or Approver for a requisition. AdHoc Reviewers and/or Approvers you add to a requisition appear individually in approval path boxes separate from the designated workflow Approvers. AdHoc Approvers do not replace the designated workflow Approver(s). If AdHoc Approvers are added, all AdHoc Approvers as well a designated workflow Approver must approve the requisition before the requisition status changes to Approved.

How do I know when my Approver approves my requisition?
Requesters receive an email after the Approver(s) perform an action (approve or deny). You can also obtain the requisition status using the requisition number in Manage Requisitions (menu path of eProcurement > Manage Requisitions)

Show-Me Shop

Show Me Shop searches do not bring up items I know should be available. Are there any search tips for searching in the Show Me Shop?
Try using Advanced Search options (click 鈥渁dvanced search options to the right of the search button), which may allow you to be more specific. When using Advanced Search, checkmark 鈥淚nclude Similar Terms鈥 if you are unsure of the EXACT number.

The Basic Search searches across all categories, therefore produces more random results than a standard detailed search. Only products containing ALL the words entered are returned in the search results. NOTE: Word order is not important.

When using the basic search options, enable/checkmark the 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 if you are unsure of the spelling or partial terms are known. Do not use 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 when entering numbers in the product description.


  • Perform category-specific searches whenever possible.
  • If you cannot find your item through a category-specific search, try All Category Search or enable 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 checkbox to expand your search results (NOTE: it is important that you choose ONE of these options, not both.)
  • Using the Basic search AND enabling the 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 checkbox may result in random results, therefore it is not recommended.
  • Weighting is only accurate for the category that the item is found in. Weighting is not affected by recurring word usage.
  • Generally speaking, do not enter partial words.
  • The more information, the better.
  • Multiple supplier names, manufacturer names, or catalog numbers can be entered into the appropriate search criteria field and searched simultaneously.


  • Use 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 when
    1) you do not know the spelling of the product description or supplier,
    2) performing Catalog number or SKU searches, or
    3) when you do not find your item through a search performed with the option turned off.
  • Do not use 鈥渋nclude similar terms鈥 when
    1) if you feel confident in the search criteria entered, i.e. product description, supplier, etc. or
    2) for descriptions with numbers
Can I use a quote from a catalog supplier sales rep to place an order using a catalog requisition and the Show-Me Shop?
Not all catalog suppliers have a feature to order items contained in custom/special quotes using a catalog requisition and the Show-Me Shop. Check with a procurement services staff member if you have a special quote from a catalog supplier to find out if it can be used to create a catalog requisition. If a custom quote is not orderable using a catalog requisition, a non-catalog requisition should be created to order the items contained in the quote.
How do I retrieve a cart that was "lost" if there is a problem returning it to PeopleSoft or if the requisition was not saved?
You begin by creating a new requisition (eProcurement > Create Requisition), and navigate to Show Me Shop as usual. Go to Carts (between Favorites and History), and then click on "my recent requisition carts". Your past carts will be listed here. Find the cart that was lost (look at date and/or name of cart) and click the "resubmit cart" link to the right. This will take your cart back into PeopleSoft where you can Save & Submit.
Why do PO History results in Show-Me Shop reference requistion numbers that do not match my PeopleSoft requistion numbers?
When a cart is created, the Show-Me Shop system assigns a separate "requisition" number to the cart that is used only in the Show-Me Shop pages and is not retained in PeopleSoft (the numbering ties a unique cart to an order after a catalog PO is issued). When you see a Requisition No. field in Show-Me Shop it refers to a cart, not a PeopleSoft requisition. The Show-Me Shop requisition number should not be confused with your 10-digit PeopleSoft assigned requisition number.
When searching PO History from the Show-Me Shop History page, can I search using my name or UserID OR the PeopleSoft requisition number or name?
It is recommended to search for an order on the by "PO no." tab in the PO History page using only the PO number assigned to the PeopleSoft requisition (business unit alpha character followed by the 10-digit PO number). Other than the date criteria to filter your search, do not use the other filters in the PO History pages, because PO History "by PO no." or "by Cart" do not directly relate back to the PeopleSoft Requester. Also, "my purchase orders" tab does not provide information about your POs because this feature does not associate the PO to the requester.
I'm a Mac user and I get an error message when I try to connect to the Show-Me Shop from the requisition, why?
Unfortunately, not all Apple/Mac browsers work with the Show-Me Shop. We've found little to no problems if you use Mozilla Firefox and Netscape. Most problems connecting to the Show-Me Shop occur with Safari.
What web browsers are supported by Show-Me Shop?
As of November 8, 2010 the following web browser products are supported:


  • Internet Explorer(IE) 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0
  • Firefox 3.6-Firefox 10
  • Chrome 8.0-17
  • Opera 10.0 and higher


  • Firefox 3..6-Firefox 10 
  • Safari 4.0 and higher (although this is supported, not all supplier punchout sites support this browser)


  • Safari embedded browser (iOS4 and iOS5 are supported, but not all supplier punchout sites support this hardware and/or operating system)

If you need assistance determining the browser and version you are using, contact your campus helpdesk.

When using Internet Explorer 8.0, why do I have problems returning a punchout cart back to Show-Me Shop?
Users of Internet Explorer 8.0 must disable Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) for Show-Me Shop to function properly. XSS is enabled by default, so use the browser toolbar to disable it by selecting Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab (at top) > Custom level button, locate XSS(labeled Enable XSS filter)in the list near the bottom under Scripting, and set the radial button to Disable. If you need help disableing XSS for IE8, please contact your campus helpdesk.
How do I order a custom stamp from an Office Supply vendor?
Custom stamps CANNOT be ordered through Show-Me Shop from our office supply vendors. Please contact the vendor directly to place an order using a PCard for payment.

Purchase Order

When are catalog orders encumbered?
For now, encumbrances work similar to the regular requisition/purchase order process. As soon as the requisition is budget checked a pre-encumbrance is established. When the PO is created, the pre-encumbrance is released and an encumbrance is established.
How do I do a change order for a catalog order?
Contact your campus procurement services office if a change needs to be made to a catalog order.
How do I do a change order for a non-catalog order?
Contact the campus procurement services office if a change needs to be made to a non-catalog order.
How can I view my Show Me Shop Catalog PO?
If the status of the requisition in Manage Requisitions is "PO(s) Dispatched", you can view your orders in the Show-Me Shop (begin by creating a new req, but do not save the req if you are just accessing the Show-Me Shop to inquire information). See page 3 of the Show Me Shop Quick Reference Guide for instructions. You can also print a copy of a dispatched status PO using the menu path Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Review PO Information > Print POs. Refer to the Requester Training Guide for detailed steps of how to print a PO.
How do I know when the vendor receives a catalog PO?
Most catalog suppliers send an email order acknowledgement/confirmation to the Requester indicating the order was received and in process.
Is there a way to find out when a PO was sent to a Show Me Shop vendor and how can I confirm they received it?
In Show Me Shop, pull up the PO history (see above question regarding Show Me Shop Quick Reference Guide). Click on the History tab. Look for the line with the Action "PO Sent via . . ." and view the date and time to the left. To confirm the vendor received the PO, review the information in the Note column on the right. The note "200: Success" confirms the vendor's receipt of the PO.
The customer service department said they have no record of receiving my catalog order. Can I place the order over the phone with customer service using the PO number assigned to my order?
No, do not place the order again with customer service because it may result in duplication of your order. Instead, contact your campus procurement services office for assistance. If after following up with the appropriate supplier representative it is determined the order needs to be resent to the vendor, procurement services will handle that for you.


Will more vendors be added to the catalog?
Yes, additional vendors will be added to the Show Me Shop in the future.
How do I place an order if I do not know the price?
If you are creating a catalog requisition, you will always know the current price for an item because it is included in the eProcurement Show-Me Shop. If you are creating a non-catalog request, you should obtain the cost from a vendor's quote or website before creating the requisition.
Why do I not need to do Receiving for a catalog PO?
The Receiving function is eliminated for catalog POs because these orders are paid using a payment method called ExacTrac whereby receiving is not required.
I've returned from leave and my PeopleSoft access has been disabled. How do I get it reactivated?
University of 欧美日b大片 employees should call the HelpDesk at (573) 882 5000 to have their PS access turned on when returning from leave (medical, maternity, FMLA, etc). A few pieces of personal information will be verified and a ticket created. Access is typically reactivated within 24 hours.


Ad-Hoc Approver
An individual added by the Requester User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft.  and/or Approver User authorized to approve requisitions for a specific Requester as designated in PeopleSoft.to approve a specific requisition. Ad-Hoc Approver does not replace the workflow The process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system.designated Approver. An Ad-Hoc Approver must approve a requisition as well as the designated workflow Approver before an order is issued.
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
An individual added by the Requester User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft.and/or Approver User authorized to approve requisitions for a specific Requester as designated in PeopleSoft.to review a specific requisition. Ad-Hoc Approver An individual added by the RequesterUser who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft and/or Approver to approve a specific requisition. Ad-Hoc Approver does not replace the workflowThe process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system. designated Approver. An Ad-Hoc Approver must approve a requisition as well as the designated workflow Approver before an order is issued.does not replace the workflow The process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system.designated Approver and does not have any action related to the approval or denial of a request. It is used for informational purposes to make someone else aware of the request.
Approval Path
The sequential order of approvals needed for a specific requisition.
User authorized to approve requisitions for a specific Requester User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft.as designated in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.
Procurement Services buying staff that process non-catalog requisitions An online request for products and/or services not available in the Show-Me Shop.and issue the associated non-catalog purchase orders in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.
The action in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.to transmit or print a purchase order The ordering document issued in PeopleSoft by a Buyer after the requisition is approved. POs for catalog requisitions are sent to suppliers electronically the day the requisition is approved. POs for non-catalog requisitions are sent to vendors using the method determined by the Buyer.. A purchase order with a status of dispatched indicates the order has been sent to the supplier.
eProcurement (ePro)
The PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.Module used for electronic requisitioning and ordering of Show-Me Shop items Products with special University of 欧美日b大片 discounted contract pricing available through the Show-Me Shop.and non-catalog items Products and/or services not available in Show-Me Shop.. Requisitions created in ePro can be either Show-Me Shop or non-catalog.
A method for the University to pay for Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft's eProcurement Module.catalog purchase orders using a one-time use virtual credit card number. This process eliminates paper invoicing and involvement by accounting services.
Hosted Catalog
An online version of the supplier's items with University contract pricing. The online price list loaded in the Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft 's eProcurement module.contains items, descriptions, prices and pictures if available from the supplier. Items in a supplier's hosted catalog can be compared with other items in that supplier's hosted catalog as well as comparison between items from other suppliers' hosted catalogs.
A feature in eProcurement The PeopleSoft Module used for electronic requisitioning and ordering of catalog items and non-catalog items . Requisitions created in ePro can be either catalog or non-catalog. Manage Requisitions showing the progression of a requisition through the different stages of the purchasing process.
Non-Catalog Items
Products and/or services not available in Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft's eProcurement module.
Non-Catalog Requisition
An online request for products and/or services not available in the Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft 's eProcurement module.
The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.
Punchout Catalog
An integrated external link within the Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft 's eProcurement module.that takes a user out of the Show-Me Shop to the supplier's specially designed website for the University of 欧美日b大片. Items reflect University discounted prices. Since it is a supplier maintained website, some items, such as computers, can be configured with features of the Requester's User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft.choice. There is no ability to compare products from a punchout site with other suppliers .
Purchase Order (PO)
The ordering document issued in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.by a Buyer Procurement Services buying staff that process non-catalog requisitions and issue the associated non-catalog purchase orders in PeopleSoft.after the requisition is approved. POs for Show-Me Shop requisitions An online request for products from the Show-Me Shop.are sent to suppliers electronically the day the requisition is approved. POs for non-catalog requisitions An online request for products and/or services not available in the Show-Me Shop.are sent to vendors using the method determined by the Buyer.
An online document created by department users to acknowledge receipt of non-catalog purchase order items/services using the Receiving A function in the eProcurement module whereby a department enters the quantity of items/services delivered and kept. This is only required for non-catalog purchase orders.function in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.
A function in the eProcurement The PeopleSoft Module used for electronic requisitioning and ordering of catalog items and non-catalog items . Requisitions created in ePro can be either catalog or non-catalog.module whereby a department enters the quantity of items/services delivered and kept. This is only required for non-catalog purchase orders.
User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.
Save and Preview Approvals
Action to Save a requisition and have a requisition number assigned before submitting the requisition to an Approver User authorized to approve requisitions for a specific Requester as designated in PeopleSoft.through workflow The process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system.. The Requester User who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft.can add Ad-Hoc Approvers An individual added by the RequesterUser who creates requisitions in PeopleSoft and/or Approver to approve a specific requisition. Ad-Hoc Approver does not replace the workflowThe process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system. designated Approver. An Ad-Hoc Approver must approve a requisition as well as the designated workflow Approver before an order is issued.and/or Ad-Hoc Reviewers An individual added by the Requester and/or Approver to review a specific requisition. Ad-Hoc Approver does not replace the workflowThe process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system. designated Approver and does not have any action related to the approval or denial of a request. It is used for informational purposes to make someone else aware of the request.to the requisition's approval path The sequential order of approvals needed for a specific requisition.. This allows the Requester to edit the requisition if need be before it is sent to the Approver.
Save and Submit
Action to Save a completed requisition and automatically send it through workflow The process in which requisition documents flow through PeopleSoft for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver for approval, it goes through workflow in the system.to the authorized individual(s) to approve the request.
Show-Me Shop
The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.'s eProcurement The PeopleSoft Module used for electronic requisitioning and ordering of catalog items and non-catalog items . Requisitions created in ePro can be either catalog or non-catalog.module.
Show-Me Shop Items
Products with special University of 欧美日b大片 discounted contract pricing available through the Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft 's eProcurement module.
Show-Me Shop Requisition
An online request for products from the Show-Me Shop The University of 欧美日b大片's virtual marketplace containing item catalogs, which are accessed through PeopleSoft 's eProcurement module.
The process in which requisition documents flow through The University of 欧美日b大片's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System containing Financial System Applications.for approvals. When a requisition is submitted to the Approver User authorized to approve requisitions for a specific Requester as designated in PeopleSoft.for approval, it goes through workflow in the system.

Reviewed 2022-04-04