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200.010 Standard of Conduct

Amended Bd. Min. 3-20-81; Bd. Min. 8-3-90, Bd. Min 5-19-94; Bd. Min. 5-24-01, Bd. Min. 7-27-12; Bd. Min. 12-7-12; Bd. Min. 6-19-14; Revised 9-22-14 by Executive Order 41; Revised 11-3-15 by Executive Order 41; Amended 2-9-17; Bd. Min. 9-24-20; Bd. Min. 11-19-20; Amended 6-29-23; Amended 9-7-23.

The Standard of Conduct exists to support the mission of the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ as an educational institution. The following expectations have been established in order to protect a specialized educational environment conducive to learning which fosters integrity, academic success, personal and professional growth, and responsible citizenship.

A student at the University assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution and voluntarily enters into a community of high achieving scholars. A student organization recognized by the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ also assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution. Consequently, students and student organizations must adhere to community standards in accordance with the University’s mission and expectations. Students and student organizations are expected to demonstrate responsibility for their actions; respect the rights and property of others; and observe federal, state, and local laws, as well as University rules and policies.

The Standard of Conduct is implemented through Section 200.020 Rules of Procedures in Student or Student Organization Conduct Matters. It is to be implemented and interpreted in a manner that supports the University’s mission as an educational institution and protects the University’s educational environment.

  1. Jurisdiction of the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ premises or at University-sponsored or University- supervised functions. However, the University may take appropriate action, including, but not limited to the imposition of sanctions under Section 200.020 and Chapter 600 of the Collected Rules and Regulations against students and student organizations for conduct occurring in other settings, including off campus, for the following purposes: (1) in order to protect the health, safety, welfare, and well-being of students, employees, and other members of the University community, or (2) if there are effects of the conduct that materially interfere with or limit any person’s or entity’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University's educational programs, activities, or employment. Jurisdiction of conduct occurring in other settings, including off campus, may be exercised at the discretion of the University for these stated purposes, but shall not be exercised in any way that would interfere with a student’s protected constitutional rights.
  2. A student organization is a recognized student organization which has received official approval in accordance with Section 250.010 of the Collected Rules and Regulations. Action against student organizations under the Standard of Conduct and Rules of Procedure may be separate from action taken against individual members. A student organization will be considered responsible for conduct outlined in Section 200.010.C only when there are circumstances indicating that the organization should bear collective responsibility for the conduct, and not solely because its individual members engaged in prohibited conduct. To determine whether a student organization is responsible for conduct outlined in Section 200.010.C and the extent to which it should be sanctioned, all relevant circumstances will be considered, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Factors weighing in favor of organizational responsibility:
      1. The student organization, through its officers or practices or customs, by any means approved, condoned, allowed, encouraged, assisted or promoted such prohibited conduct;
      2. The prohibited conduct was committed, permitted, encouraged, aided, or assisted by one or more student organization executive officers or by one or more members while acting with authority on behalf of the student organization;
      3. Student organization resources, such as funds, group communications, information technology resources, or organization property or venues, were used for the prohibited conduct;
      4. The student organization, through its officers or advisers, materially interferes or interfered with any investigation or conduct proceedings related to the prohibited conduct;
      5. A policy, protocol, or official practice of the student organization caused or materially contributed to the prohibited conduct; and/or
      6. In the absence of any evidence of the factors listed in subdivisions a. – e. above, the prohibited conduct was committed, participated in, encouraged, aided, or assisted by twenty-five percent or more of the student organization’s members;
    2. Factors weighing against organizational responsibility:
      1. The student organization had policies, protocols, or official practices in place to prevent or deter the prohibited conduct;
      2. The student organization had provided guidance, education, or training to the individual members involved to prevent or deter the prohibited conduct;
      3. The student organization took prompt and effective action to prevent or stop the prohibited conduct or mitigate its effects once the organization or its officers became aware or reasonably should have become aware of the prohibited conduct;
      4. The student organization or its officers promptly reported the prohibited conduct to an appropriate University official and any other appropriate authorities; and/or
      5. The student organization addressed any prohibited conduct of its members through an organizational sanction or punishment.
  3. Prohibited Conduct for which students and student organizations, when applicable, are subject to sanctions falls into the following categories:
    1. Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of artificially generated content, or sabotage. The Board of Curators recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall make an academic judgment about the student's grade on that work and in that course, which shall not be considered a sanction for prohibited conduct under this rule. The instructor shall, consistent with other policies, report the alleged academic dishonesty to the Primary Administrative Officer.
      1. The term cheating includes but is not limited to: (i) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, examinations or other assessments; (ii) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; (iii) acquisition or possession without permission of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; or (iv) knowingly providing any unauthorized assistance to another student on quizzes, tests, examinations, or other assessments.
      2. The term plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: (i) use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published work of another source without properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference; (ii) unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials; or (iii) unacknowledged use of original work/material that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators.
      3. The term unauthorized use of artificially generated content, includes, but is not limited to (i) use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, or other assessments without permission from the instructor; (ii) submitting work for evaluation as one’s own that was produced in material or substantial part through use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content without permission from the instructor; (iii) using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner contrary to instructions from the instructor; or (iv) using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner that violates any other provision of these rules concerning academic dishonesty. Use of commonly available tools such as spelling or grammar checking software or features of software that propose anticipated words or phrases while text is being written will not be considered unauthorized use of artificially generated content unless such use is contrary to instructions from the instructor.
      4. The term sabotage includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized interference with, modification of, or destruction of the work or intellectual property of another member of the University community.
    2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identification, or furnishing information to the University that the student or student organization knows or reasonably should know is false.
    3. Physical abuse or other physical conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
    4. Stalking another by engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person knowing or consciously disregarding a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to —(A) fear for their safety or the safety of others; or (B) suffer substantial emotional distress.
    5. Violation of the University’s Equal Employment/Education Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy located at Section 600.010 of the Collected Rules and Regulations.
    6. Violation of the University’s Sexual Harassment under Title IX Policy located at Section 600.020 of the Collected Rules and Regulations.
    7. Threats, defined as communication of a serious expression of intent to commit an act of unlawful violence against an individual or identifiable group, such that the individual or group would reasonably fear violence, regardless of whether the communicating individual actually intends to carry out the threat, and in which the person engaging in the communication knew or consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable risk that it would have such an effect on the individual or identifiable group.
    8. Participating in attempted or actual taking of, damage to, or possession without permission of property of the University or of a member of the University community or a campus visitor.
    9. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or other means of access to any University facilities or unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities, property or resources.
    10. Misuse of University or personal property in a manner that creates a safety hazard or unauthorized use of safety equipment.
    11. Deliberately setting off a fire or other emergency alarm without justified reason or knowingly giving a false report of a crime or emergency.
    12. Violation of the available written policies, rules or regulations of the University or any of its units applicable to the student under the circumstances or of material conduct standards identified in contracts or agreements the student has entered into with the University, including, but not limited to, those governing residence in the University-provided housing, or the use of University facilities, or student organizations, or the time, place or manner of public expression.
    13. Violation of applicable federal, state, foreign or local law or ordinance, that directly impacts the University’s activities, programs, property, students, employees, or volunteers or indicates that the individual poses a risk to the safety, welfare, or well-being of the University’s students, employees, or volunteers.
    14. Manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance under state or federal law without proper prescription or required license or as expressly permitted by law or University regulations, including operating a vehicle on University property, or on streets or roadways adjacent to and abutting a campus, under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance as prohibited by law of the state of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ. To the extent there is any inconsistency between state and federal law as to circumstances in which manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of a substance is expressly permitted, federal law will govern to the extent appropriate to facilitate the University’s compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and any other applicable federal law.
    15. Substantially disrupting, or inciting others to substantially disrupt:
      1. University operations, functions or activities including, but not limited to classes or other teaching, research, study, lectures, performances, meetings, interviews, living or learning communities, administrative business, or ceremonies or other public events, regardless of whether such operations, functions or activities are conducted in-person or through information technology resources; or
      2. Authorized or permissible non-University activities that occur at a location owned or controlled by the University or through information technology resources provided by the University.
    16. Failure to comply with lawful directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties or failure to identify one’s self to University officials acting in the performance of their duties when reasonably requested to do so and upon reasonable explanation of the reason for the request for identification.
    17. Failure to comply with and complete all sanctions and remedial actions applied under Section 200.020 or Chapter 600 within the time frame specified.
    18. The possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or hazardous chemicals that violates federal or state law or applicable foreign law or University rules.
    19. Hazing, defined as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or an act that is likely to cause physical or psychological harm to any person within the University community, or that destroys or removes, damages, defaces, or tampers with public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Participation or cooperation by the person(s) being hazed does not excuse the violation. Failure by a group’s or organization’s executive officers to intervene to prevent, discourage, and/or report hazing of which they are aware or reasonably should be aware also will be deemed a violation of this policy.
    20. Misuse of information technology resources in accordance with University policy, including but not limited to:
      1. Actual or attempted theft or other abuse;
      2. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose;
      3. Unauthorized transfer of a file;
      4. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password;
      5. Use of information technology facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or University official;
      6. Use of information technology facilities to interfere with normal operation of any University information technology system; 
      7. Knowingly causing a virus, malware, or other means designed to disrupt, damage or gain unauthorized access to become installed in any information technology system or file; or
      8. Violation of Section 110.005 of the Collected Rules or Regulations or other University policy governing use of computing resources.
    21. Retaliation, False Reporting, Witness Intimidation or Harassment, and Interference.
      1. Retaliation is any adverse action taken against a person because of that person’s participation or refusal to participate in the process set forth in CRR 200.020, provided that the exercise of rights protected under the First Amendment does not constitute retaliation prohibited under this section. Any person who engages in such retaliation shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination, in accordance with applicable procedures. Any person who believes they have been subjected to retaliation is encouraged to notify the Primary Administrative Officer. The University will promptly respond to all claims of retaliation in accordance with this policy.
      2. False reporting is making an intentional false report or accusation in relation to this policy as opposed to a report or accusation, which, even if erroneous, is made in good faith. False reporting is prohibited.
      3. No individual, directly or through others, may take any action which attempts to or actually intimidates any potential Party or witness in the student conduct process, or which may interfere with the student conduct process.
      4. All University employees and students must be truthful and candid when making any statement or providing any information or evidence to the University throughout the student conduct process, and all documentary evidence must be genuine and accurate. The fact that a determination has been made that a student has or has not engaged in prohibited conduct is not sufficient grounds, by itself, to declare that a false statement or fraudulent evidence has been provided by a Party or witness.
      5. Charging an individual with a policy violation for making a materially false statement in bad faith in the course of any proceedings under this policy does not constitute retaliation provided, however that a determination regarding responsibility, alone, is not sufficient to conclude that any Party made a materially false statement in bad faith.
    22. Attempting to commit or intentionally and materially aiding or inciting others to commit any of the forms of prohibited conduct stated in this rule.

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