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Administrative Transformation

Several initiatives are underway to replace ‘business as usual’ approaches, challenge the status quo and provide a sustainable future for the University to allow us to better serve our mission as a public research institution for our students, faculty, staff and the citizens of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ. Reevaluating and integrating administrative functions across the system is one of several mechanisms supporting the broader transformation effort for the University.

Redesigning future operating models for administrative services must create investments toward academic excellence to better serve students, faculty, staff and Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬans through our land-grant mission, create more opportunities and career paths for staff, and deliver better and higher levels of administrative services to constituents. At the same time, the unique vision of each campus must be recognized while working more collaboratively to streamline processes and reinvest in the academic mission of the entire organization. Feedback can be shared via .

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Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ the project


The landscape of higher education is changing; decisions have to be made to support the University's future sustainability. Through combined efforts across the organization, the University can move forward in a well-informed way and maintain its vital role in the state of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ.

Administrative services in Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology are being evaluated and redesigned to improve service and make processes more efficient. Priority is given to areas with the greatest opportunity to realize improvements and/or cost savings.

Through a series of thoughtful and iterative phases, each in-scope functional area across the system will collaborate to improve processes in those areas and deliver better and higher levels of administrative services. Better aligning these resources will help allow for reinvestment in the academic mission.

Work will be conducted by teams comprised of representatives from across the campuses and system, with input from advisory groups throughout the process. The broader University community will be informed and consulted at key milestones, and improvements may be felt throughout the organization.


Project Highlights

Administrative Review Process

Fall, 2017- The Administrative Review identified efficiencies to streamline operations by reducing redundancies across administrative functions in Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology. The assessment identified opportunities for the University to consider for implementation as well as highlighting areas of potential opportunity that require further evaluation. Learn more...

Activity Analysis Survey

February 19 - March 2, 2018- An information-gathering mechanism, the Activity Analysis survey was a study of the distribution of administrative work performed across the University, by functional area. It gathered responses from non-faculty staff about their work activities to understand actual workload in a quantifiable way. Learn more...

Voice of the Customer Survey

March 22 - April 18, 2018- In a secondary information-gathering effort, a sample of the University community representing users of finance, human resources and information technology services shared feedback on the importance, effectiveness and quality of services performed, as well as offered recommendations on opportunities for improvement. Learn more...

Conceptual Design Phase

March - April, 2018- The first phase of a larger Administrative Redesign process, workteams comprised of representatives from each campus (CFOs, CHROs and CIOs) worked together on principles and a tentative operating model for their respective function, utilizing  Activity Analysis and Voice of the Customer survey data. The result of these collaborative efforts was a proposed high-level operating model for each functional area. Learn more...

Collaborative Design Session

May 2, 2018- Representatives from across the University reviewed and provided feedback on the high-level work completed during the conceptual design phase. No decisions were made during the session; rather, it was an opportunity for stakeholders to provide input before workstream teams proceed with additional phases of the project. Learn more...

Detailed Design Phase

May - June, 2018- Phase two of a larger Administrative Redesign process, detailed design outlines future-state processes, defines proposed service levels and metrics and assesses the impact the future-state would have on roles. The processes being redesigned are prioritized based on where changes provide greatest opportunity for cost savings and/or service improvement. Learn more...

Implementation Phase

Ongoing- Implementation of changes resulting from these efforts would occur after developing detailed roadmaps (including timing, organizational changes and/or job impacts), seeking feedback from the University community and gaining approval from University leadership. Learn more...


Share Your Feedback

Central to our success is input from you. We want to hear from you about how we can be bold and innovative in our plans to replace ‘business as usual’ approaches. Please share your feedback to inform the collaborative design process by using this . Please be advised that, while all feedback will be read and directed as appropriate, because the form can be submitted anonymously, you may not receive a direct reply.

Reviewed 2019-10-07