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Research Subject Pmts by Cash via T&E Cash Advance

To complete a Direct Payment to Research Subjects BY CASH via Cash Advance in Travel & Expense

Prepare and Approve a Cash Advance

  1. Either the university employee or their entry delegate creates a cash advance using T&E.
    1. Description must indicate IRB# and Business Purpose must indicate RESEARCH
    2. Comments must indicate quantity and amount of payments to participants
  2. The cash advance traveler/delegate submits the cash advance for approval.
  3. The cash advance will automatically route to the HR Supervisor based on the first line of funding on the PAF for the employee receiving the cash advance.
  4. The HR Supervisor will either return the cash advance to its traveler/delegate for further clarification or approve for payment.
  5. The cash advance will automatically route to the Cash Advance Coordinator in APSS for review.
  6. The Cash Advance Coordinator will either return the cash advance to its creator for further clarification or approve for payment.
  7. Once the HR Supervisor and Cash Advance Coordinator approves, the cash advance is paid. 
  8. All cash advances are disbursed to employees by ACH, their payment will be wired on the night the cash advance has been approved.  The bank account the employee has selected to receive their university paycheck is set up as the default for this deposit; however, the employee can change this information if they desire in their T&E profile under “user preferences" and it must be the same bank used for expense report reimbursement.   
  9. Payments are issued to the subjects.  The employee must obtain a signed receipt from each subject as the payments are issued.

Repay a Cash Advance – Reporting Expenses

  1. Either the university employee or their entry delegate creates an expense report using T&E.
    1. Expense Type = Miscellaneous
    2. Amount Spent = Cash disbursed to participants
    3. Expense Line Details Description = See Attached (you will then attach the Verification of Receipts Form as described below)
  2. Within the expense report, select the Apply Cash Advance(s) from the Actions box on the top right of the screen and enter the cash advance ID and amount to be applied to the expense report.  Note that more than one expense report can be applied to a cash advance ID.   
    Caution: Before applying the cash advance, be sure to complete the necessary expense lines in the expense report to get the correct total due and also click the Check for Errors button to validate the data. If the expense report amount changes after applying the cash advance, an error will occur and the cash advance will need to be reset.
  3. Select the Attachments hyperlink to attach the completed VERIFICATION OF RECEIPTS FOR SUBJECT PAYMENTS FORM.  
    1. DO NOT attach original receipts. These must be kept on file in the department.
  4. The expense report creator/traveler/delegate submits the expense report for approval. 
  5. If the expenses are related to a grant (as identified by the chartfield selected during expense report creation) the expense report will route to the grant’s Project Manager/Principal Investigator.  The PI will either return the expense report to the traveler/delegate for further clarification, or approve for payment.  If the expense report is not grant related this step will be skipped (Go to Step 7).
  6. The expense report will automatically route to the fiscal approver assigned by the DeptID being charged on the expense report. 
  7. The Fiscal Approver will either return the expense report to its creator/traveler/delegate for further clarification or approve for payment. 
  8. Once the Principal Investigator (if grant) and/or Fiscal Approver approves, the expense report goes into an automatic electronic prepay audit process where random expense reports are selected for review by a prepay auditor.
  9. If the expense report is selected for review by prepay audit, the auditor will review the expense report and either approve, or send back to the traveler/delegate for further clarification.
  10. If the expense report has not been selected for prepay audit and has been approved by all required approvers, the expense report is paid
    1. If expenses are EQUAL TO the amount of the advance, the expense report will process and no money will be exchanged. 
    2. If expenses are GREATER THAN the amount of the advance, the employee will receive reimbursement for the difference on the expense report. 
    3. If expenses are LESS THAN the amount of the advance, the employee must return the difference to the department for deposit on a Cash Received Report (CRR). If the funds are still in the bank account, write a personal check or obtain a cashier’s check.  DO NOT use wire transfers or credit card transactions to repay excess funds. 

Repay a Cash Advance – Preparing a CRR to return unused cash

  1. When there are unused cash advance funds, prepare a CRR to deposit the monies within the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ.   
  2. Within MIS WebApps select FIN CRR/ARR, then CRR Cashier Deposit.   
    1. PS Account must be 132801- Employee Cash Advance Reconcile 
    2. Chartfield must be the same as when the cash advance was issued and not contain a class code.   
      1. Use CEX_CASH_ADV_DETAILS query in PS Production (FSPRD90) or 
      2. Request this information from the Cash Advance Coordinator 
  3. Comments must indicate the original cash advance number 
  4. Cash Advance Coordinator must be notified of the CRR# to complete the reconciliation of the cash advance within Travel & Expense. 

Note: Failure to repay an expense advance by the due date will result in the amount being deducted from payroll earnings or student charge account and the loss of the privilege of expense advances.


Reviewed 2021-09-22

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