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HR-417 Victims Economic Safety and Security Act Leave (VESSA) Q&As

1. What is VESSA? 
The Victims Economic Safety and Security Act (VESSA) is a 欧美日b大片 law that became effective on August 28, 2021 and requires employers to provide a specified amount of unpaid leave to employees that qualify as victims of domestic or sexual violence. It also requires that employees be afforded reasonable safety measures. The University of 欧美日b大片 adopted HR-417 after the VESSA legislation was enacted.

2. How much leave time is available under VESSA? 
The University will provide up to two workweeks of unpaid leave during a twelve-month period. VESSA leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced work schedule. VESSA leave will not be provided if an employee has used all available FMLA leave in the same preceding twelve-month period, regardless of the qualifying FMLA reason.

3. How do I request VESSA Leave? 
Your University human resources and Title IX teams can assist you. Please contact either your Human Resources Partner, Title IX Coordinator, or the UM System HR Service Center.

4. What are reasonable safety measures and how do I request them? 
Reasonable safety measures will be offered to employees upon request by an employee, provided the requested measures do not pose an undue hardship on university operations. Reasonable safety measures may be requested from your Title IX office, which may include:

  • An adjustment to a job structure, workplace facility, or work requirement, including a transfer, reassignment, modified schedule, or leave,
  • A changed telephone number or seating assignment
  • An Installation of a lock,
  • Implementation of a safety procedure, or
  • Assistance in documenting domestic violence that occurs at the workplace or in work-related settings, in response to actual or threatened domestic violence.

5. Who may seek leave under VESSA?
VESSA leave is available to any individual employed by the University, including student employees and graduate assistants, who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, or to an employee whose family or household member is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, when the employee is seeking leave for a qualifying purpose.

6. What if I need to extend my leave beyond the period that was originally approved?
Notify your manager and/or your campus HR of your need as soon as possible.

7. How will I be paid while on VESSA leave? 
Employees may elect to use available paid leave, where otherwise permitted by University policy (e.g., annual leave, PTO, caregiver, etc.).

8. If I take VESSA leave, what happens to my employment benefits while I am on leave?
The University will maintain its portion of health insurance coverage for an employee on VESSA leave whenever such insurance was provided before the leave was taken and on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. If the employee is in unpaid status, arrangements must be made for employees to pay their share of health insurance premiums while on leave. For information and assistance, employees should contact the UM system HR Service Center at 800-488-5288 or the HR Request Portal at .

9. Do I have to provide proof or documentation to the University of domestic or sexual violence in order to qualify for VESSA leave? The University may request certification that you or your family or household member is a victim of domestic or sexual violence and that leave is being requested for a VESSA-related purpose. If this is requested, you will have a reasonable time period to provide the documentation to the University.

10. What type of documentation is needed to certify my eligibility to request VESSA leave? 
You may provide a sworn statement, and (1) documentation from an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim services organization, an attorney, a member of the clergy, or a medical or other professional from whom the employee or the employee鈥檚 family or household member has sought assistance in addressing domestic violence or sexual violence and the effects of such violence, (2) a police or court record, or (3) other corroborating evidence.

11. Where does the University keep information that references my VESSA leave request? 
Per HR-417, any documentation collected in connection with VESSA leave is to be retained by the University in the strictest confidence, including the fact that a request for VESSA leave was made or granted, except to the extent that disclosure is requested or consented to in writing by the employee or otherwise required by law or University policy, including mandatory reporting requirements.

All information and records received must be kept separate from employee personnel files.

12. How can I learn more about VESSA leave? 
HR-417 is the University of 欧美日b大片 policy regarding VESSA leave. Upon request, a copy of this policy will be provided to you. You may also reach out to your campus HR office, HR Partner, or Title IX office to learn more. The 欧美日b大片 State VESSA law can be found in .

Date Created: 10/25/2021
Updated: Posted 12/23/2024 with an effective date 01/01/2024

Reviewed 2024-08-09