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HR-406 Development Leave for Administrative, Service, and Support Employees


The University provides paid and unpaid time off to eligible Administrative, Service, and Support employees to pursue professional development when in the best interest of the University.

Faculty eligibility and conditions for development leave are addressed in CRR 340.070.

If any part of this policy does not reflect the Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR), the provisions of the CRR will govern.

HR Policy Provisions

HR-406 policy provisions below are in accordance with CRR 340.090 (amended 9-26-19), CRR 340.100 (amended 7-28-20), and CRR 340.020 (amended 7-28-20):

  1. Purpose – Development leave allows eligible employees to have time away from work to pursue professional growth to increase their value to the University, such as extended study, research, field observations, or other experiences deemed suitable by the University.
  2. Eligibility – Benefit-eligible Administrative, Service, and Support employees are eligible to apply for development leave.
  3. Approvals
    1. Development leave may be granted when the requirements of the department permit and when such leave is demonstrated to be in the best interest of the University. Development leave must be approved by the President, Vice President, Chancellor, or designee, and by the Chief Human Resource Officer before it is taken.
    2. Employees approved for development leave must
      1. State their intention to return to the University for at least the same amount of time they plan to be gone. Return of the employee for such period does not guarantee that the period of such leave shall be taken into account as service credit for purposes of any University retirement plan. Exceptions to returning to the University at the conclusion of the leave can only be granted by the president upon recommendation of the chancellor.
      2. File a report of their accomplishments during the leave period as specified by their chancellor or chancellor's designee.
  4. Time Off Available – Development leave may be taken for a period up to a full year.
  5. Compensation and Benefits
    1. Employees are encouraged to seek external financial support (e.g., fellowships or grant support) for development leave. The University may supplement such support to provide up to 100% regular salary. If such external support is not received, the University may provide up to 100% regular salary if approved. Travel and expense funds may be provided as deemed appropriate.
    2. Administrative leave pay is based on the employee’s Annual Base Benefit Rate (ABBR) when the leave begins. Compensation to make up the difference between what is paid by the University and external financial support is compensated using available accrued paid time off (e.g., PTO) unless unpaid time is requested and approved.
    3. Additional leave of absence (LOA) information
      1. Employees continue to accrue paid time off (PTO) during paid LOAs.

        1. The period of paid and unpaid leaves is counted as length of service in computing PTO accrual rates.

        2. PTO accruals become available to the employee after returning to work in active status.

      2. Employees eligible for other available leave during approved LOAs (e.g., holiday pay, winter break pay) are eligible to receive such pay during a paid LOA. However, in no case should the combination of paid leaves exceed the employee's base pay.
      3. During a paid and unpaid LOA, employees are eligible to continue participation in the university's employee benefit programs (medical, dental, life, vision, etc.). Employees are responsible for their portion of the premium costs for coverage to continue.
      4. During a paid LOA, employee contributions to retirement programs and other required deductions (e.g., garnishments) will continue. Voluntary deductions will continue unless approved or directed to stop by the authorizing organization (e.g., parking, union dues).
      5. Whether or not an LOA is credited towards vesting, service, or salary credit for members of the Defined Benefit Plan or Hybrid Plan is based on the type of leave granted (e.g., FMLA Leave or Personal Leave) in accordance with CRR 530.010. For participants in the Defined Contribution Plan, the leave period is not considered a break in service in calculating vesting service.
  6. Return to Work
    1. Upon expiration of a development leave, the department will return the employee to the same or a similar position held before the leave or an equivalent position to the extent that such a position is reasonably available. The employee will be provided the level of benefits and seniority held before the leave. Should the same or similar position not be available upon expiration of the LOA or return to work, the supervisor or division leader may request a LOA extension; however, an employee may not remain in a paid or unpaid LOA status for more than one year or past the ending date of the employee’s appointment.
    2. An employee is required to reimburse the University within three (3) months for university funded salary and benefits except Worker's Compensation provided during the leave period should they not return to work with the University in a benefit-eligible status for at least a period equal to the time they were on paid development leave.
  7. Procedures
    1. Requests for development leave must be approved before taking time off.
    2. A personnel action form (ePAF) and a Request for Leave of Absence form must be processed for each period of development leave, regardless of pay status.
    3. Unpaid leaves will become effective to the first day without pay.
    4. Upon return to work, an ePAF is required to return the employee to active payroll status.
    5. Should an employee fail to return to work upon expiration of an LOA, the department is responsible for initiating procedures to terminate the employee's service. An ePAF must be processed to timely terminate employment.

See Also

CRR Section 320.030: Delegation of Authority
CRR Section 340.090: Development Leave

Date Created: 09/26/1997
Updated: 07/01/2000; 10/01/2003; 03/01/2008; 07/01/2009; 02/01/2021; posted 12/23/23 with an effective date of 01/01/2024

Reviewed 2023-12-22