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210.070 Guidelines for University of 欧美日b大片 Related International Programs

Executive Order No. 3, 8-15-99. Amended 9-19-16.

  1. Guidelines for International Studies Centers and Sponsoring Academic Units
    1. All University of 欧美日b大片 sponsored study abroad programs must be approved in writing by the Chancellor or his or her designee. Sponsored Programs include programs designed, negotiated and managed by the University of 欧美日b大片 and/or consortium agreements.
    2. The administration of study abroad programs will be determined by the Chancellor on each campus. Although the international studies centers may not administer all study abroad programs on its campus, the centers for their respective campuses will be responsible for ensuring that each study abroad program sponsored by the University meets the following guidelines.
    3. As appropriate, the following information will be made available to students and, if the student is under 18, to their parents during an orientation about study abroad programs. Orientation may be provided either in writing or face-to-face, but face-to-face is the preferred method. After attending the orientation session, students and, when appropriate, their parents must sign a release form indicating they have received the information covered in the session and understand the risks associated with participation in a study abroad program. If, as a result of orientation, any student wishes not to participate in the program, the student may not be held financially liable. Prior to participation, consent must be given in writing using the University of 欧美日b大片 release form, and failure to provide consent in writing will preclude participation in the program.
  2. Guidelines for International Studies Centers -- The International Studies Centers will:
    1. Conduct periodic assessments of health and safety conditions for a program, document those assessments, and develop and maintain an emergency preparedness and crisis response plan.
    2. Provide health and safety information for prospective participants so that they can make informed decisions concerning participation in and behavior on the program.
    3. Notify prospective participants that home campus services and conditions are not replicated at the overseas site.
    4. Provide orientation to potential participants on how to deal with health and safety issues, potential risks, and appropriate emergency response for a program.
    5. Ensure that participants are provided information regarding health insurance that can be utilized at the overseas site.
    6. Evaluate the local environment of the program, including program-sponsored events, excursions and other activities. Provide, on an on-going basis, documentation of that evaluation. Use reasonable care when selecting any third party to provide products or services.
    7. Assess the availability of medical and professional services at the foreign study site and instruct the program director or host institution to inform participants of their availability.
    8. Provide appropriate and ongoing training on health and safety guidelines and practices for program directors and staff.
    9. Communicate applicable codes of conduct and the consequences of noncompliance to participants.
    10. Inform participants when and where the University's responsibility ends and what aspects of their experience are beyond the University's control. Generally, the University:  
      1. Cannot guarantee the safety of participants or eliminate risk from the study abroad environment.
      2. Cannot monitor or control all the daily personal decisions, choices, and activities of individual participants.
      3. Cannot prevent participants from engaging in illegal, dangerous or unwise activities.
      4. Cannot assure that US standards of due process apply or provide or pay for legal representation for participants.
      5. Cannot assume responsibility for the actions of persons not employed or otherwise engaged by the University, for events that are beyond the control of the University and its subcontractors, or for situations which arise from the failure of a participant to disclose pertinent information.
      6. Cannot assure that home-country cultural values will apply on the program when these differ from those of the host country.
  3. Guidelines for Participants -- Participants can have a major impact on their own health and safety abroad through the decisions they make before and during the program and by their day-to-day choices and behaviors. Students will:
    1. Read and carefully consider all materials issued or recommended by the sponsor that relate to safety, health, legal, environmental, political, academic, cultural and religious conditions in host countries.
    2. Consider their personal health and safety needs when accepting a place in a program.
    3. Assume responsibility for all the elements necessary for their personal preparation for the program and participate fully in orientations.
    4. Obtain and maintain appropriate insurance policies and abide by any conditions imposed by the carriers.
    5. Inform parents, guardians, and any others who may need to know about their participation in the study abroad program, provide them with emergency contact information, and keep them informed on an ongoing basis.
    6. Understand and comply with the terms of participation and codes of conduct of the program, and obey host-country laws.
    7. Be aware of local conditions when making daily choices and decisions. Promptly express any health or safety concerns to the program staff or other appropriate individuals.
    8. Accept the consequences of their own decisions and actions.
    9. Consult the appropriate academic unit on campus concerning questions about the transferability of course credit offered by the host institution prior to participation in the program. Students from the University of 欧美日b大片 who participate in programs sponsored by other universities or organizations should follow the participant guidelines. Students can use the guidelines for international studies centers to evaluate non-university sponsored programs.
  4. Guidelines for Parents or Guardians -- When appropriate, parents or guardians should:
    1. Obtain and carefully evaluate health and safety information related to the program as provided by the University, the Center for Disease Control, the US Department of State and other sources.
    2. Be involved in the decision of the participant to enroll in a particular program.
    3. Engage the participant in a thorough discussion of safety and behavior issues related to the program.
    4. Be responsive to requests from the University or other program sponsor for information needed regarding the participant.
    5. Keep in touch with the participant.
    6. Consider the program director or the international studies center staff the primary point of contact for emergencies or special concerns regarding the student's participation in a study abroad program.
  5. Guidelines for Other University Related International Travel
    1. This subsection addresses guidelines for University-related international travel that occurs outside the context of a University-sponsored study abroad program. It applies to travel by University graduate and undergraduate students, or other participants in University sponsored educational programs, traveling individually or in groups, with or without University funding for any University-organized, University-administered, or University-related activity or program.
    2. University-related international travel covered by this subsection must be approved in writing by the Chancellor or his or her designee.
    3. The traveler must report such travel to the Chancellor's designee before the scheduled departure date. All participants of University-related international travel covered by this subsection, including faculty, staff, volunteers or other leaders shall be registered in the appropriate campus international travel registry.

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