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110.070 Personal Property Reclamation Office

Bd. Min. 9-20-74, p. 37,179.

  1. Established on Each Campus -- A personal property reclamation office is hereby established on each of the four (4) campuses of the University of 欧美日b大片 for the purpose of facilitating the return of items of personal property found on University premises to the true owners.
  2. Location -- The personal property reclamation office is to be located at and administered through an appropriate University department as may be designated by the Chancellor of each campus.
  3. Definitions
    1. Mislaid Personal Property -- The term "mislaid personal property" means property which the owner has voluntarily laid down and has forgotten where it was placed.
    2. Abandoned Personal Property -- The term "abandoned personal property" means property which the owner has intentionally relinquished his ownership in the property and cast the property aside.
    3. Lost Personal Property -- The term "lost personal property" means property which the owner has involuntarily parted with through neglect, carelessness or inadvertence, that is, property which the owner has unwittingly suffered to pass out of his or her possession and of whose whereabouts he or she has no knowledge or cannot recover it by an ordinarily diligent search.
  4. Policy -- Policy for mislaid, abandoned and lost personal property.
    1. Mislaid Personal Property -- Any item of mislaid personal property found on University premises (limited to campus premises) shall be turned in to the personal property reclamation office on the respective campus.
    2. Abandoned Personal Property -- Any item of abandoned personal property found on University premises (limited to campus premises) may be turned in to the personal property reclamation office on the respective campus.
    3. Lost Personal Property -- Any of lost personal property found on University premises (limited to campus premises) with a value of less than $10 may be turned in to the personal property reclamation office. Any such item with a value of more than $10 shall be retained by the finder subject to the rights and obligations set forth in Sections 447.010, .020, .030, .040, .050 and .060 of the Revised Statutes of the State of 欧美日b大片 for 1969.
  5. Procedures
    1. When an item of personal property has been turned into the personal property reclamation office, it shall be tagged setting forth the date it was received and assigned a number. The item shall also be listed on a running inventory sheet which shall set forth the item number, the date received and a brief description of the property.
    2. A person desiring to reclaim his or her property shall give satisfactory evidence of ownership of the particular item to the personal property reclamation office. If the description of the property and the evidence of ownership is satisfactory, the property is to be returned to the owner. The person reclaiming his or her property shall execute a signed receipt for the property. The item will then be stricken from the inventory list.
    3. Disposition of unreclaimed property: After an item has been held for a period of six (6) months and is unreclaimed, the University may sell the property at public auction or may turn the property over to a recognized organization of the University designated by the Chancellor who shall proceed to sell the same at public auction. The proceeds of said sale shall be used by the University or designated organization for some worthy cause or purpose associated with the aims and endeavors of the University as approved by the Chancellor. Notice of said public auction shall be published in the newspaper in the county in which the campus is located at least ten (10) days before said auction. Said notice shall contain a description of the personal property to be sold. Prior to said auction any person claiming to be the owner of any item offered for sale may file a written notice with the said organization setting forth his or her claim of ownership. Upon the filing of said claim of ownership, the procedures set forth above in paragraph 2 will be followed.

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