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DC Insight 1/5/2024

DC Insight

Good afternoon,

The goal of this email is to provide a regular source of useful information to staff and faculty of the University of Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ System regarding the federal government and higher education. We have put together a list of news articles that will keep you informed of the actions taken by the executive, legislative, and judicial branch of government. These articles are meant to be informative and are not a reflection of the views or stance of the system regarding these issues. 

If you would like more information regarding any of the stories we share, or if you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact Dusty Schnieders and/or Emily Lucas .

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Appropriations News

The Hill – January 1, 2024
Congress faces an avalanche of government funding work when it returns from the holidays this month — and little time to complete it ahead of a looming shutdown deadline. Under the stopgap bill passed in November, Congress is staring down two cutoff dates in January and February to keep the government funded. But with less than a month to go until the first deadline on Jan. 19 — when funding is set to lapse for various parts of the government — lawmakers are clashing over next steps amid deep divides over spending.

Capitol Hill News

Congressman Luetkemeyer – January 4, 2024
Rep. Luetkemeyer will finish out his final term, ending in December 2024, and looks forward to spending more time with his wife, three children, and seven grandchildren back home in Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ.

Federal News

Congressional Budget Office – January 4, 2024
The Congressional Budget Office is providing information concerning implementation of the caps on most discretionary funding for fiscal year 2024 as established by the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The FRA sets separate caps on defense funding on nondefense funding. 
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Reviewed 2024-01-05