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  1. Student Housing Records
  2. Other Housing Records
  3. Residential Life Student Organization Records



1. Resident Hall Records

These records are agreements, applications, contracts and housing correspondence that document arrangements made for University housing accommodations for students. These records include, but are not limited: to signed application and contract for accommodations, choice of payment plans, correspondence with administrative value, property inventory and condition records.  Records may include cafeteria-only contracts for students living off campus but purchasing a University meal plan.  

Authorized Retention:

A.  Retain all records except those listed in B below for six (6) fiscal years after expiration of final housing and dining contract or completion of all payments for term in which residential life charges were applied, whichever is longer, then destroy.

B.  Retain student legal name, student number, housing assignment history data by term, including scheduled check-in and check-out for twenty (20) years, then destroy.

Citation: 欧美日b大片 Revised Statues 516.120.


2. Other Housing Records 

These records are for housing arrangements made for groups or individuals.  These records include, but are not limited to: signed application, and contract for accommodations, choice of payment plan, correspondence with administrative value, property inventory and condition records.  Records may include cafeteria-only contracts for individuals living off campus but purchasing a University meal Plan.  

Authorized Retention:

Retain for six (6) fiscal years, then destroy.  


3. Residential Life Student Organization Records

These records include, but are not limited to; organization tax records, bank statements of each individual hall checking account, individual business receipts for hall purchases (expenses for finals food, t-shirts and homecoming), original documents of each hall's semester allocations for fall and winter, documentation from businesses the halls gave donations to, documentation from Recreation Services regarding hall teams, and books of check duplicates that have been issued.  

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years, then destroy.

Citation: 欧美日b大片 Revised Statues 144.640 and 144.320 and Federal CFR Title 26.


Supersedes 80-16 and 77-15 and versions from 6/27/2001.  

Reviewed 2023-04-26