Chapter 30: Development / en 30.010 Overview of Development /ums/rules/collected_rules/administration/ch30/30.010_overview_of_development <span>30.010 Overview of Development</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-26T19:40:00+00:00" title="Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 19:40">Wed, 05/26/2010 - 19:40</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 8-22-68; Bd. Min. 4-19-69, Amended Bd. Min. 12-15-94, Amended 8-31-95; Amended 9-24-10; Amended 6-17-16; Amended Bd. Min 2-7-19.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>Statement of Purpose</strong> -- The purpose of all advancement programs sponsored or affiliated with the University of 欧美日b大片 shall be:<br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>To involve citizens of the state, alumni, and friends nationally in University-related efforts.</li> <li>To serve citizens of the state, alumni, and friends nationally through organized personal and other communications.</li> <li>To assist the University in obtaining the public funds necessary to provide the highest quality academic, research and service opportunities for the citizens of the state and nation.</li> <li>To assist the University in obtaining private funds, to complement and augment public resources for those academic, research and service opportunities which cannot be provided by public funds.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>General Information</strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>University Advancement encompasses all programs concerned with institutional support. It involves organized groups of the University's various publics in support of specific programs.</li> <li>University Advancement describes those administrative service programs relating to the involvement of volunteers with the University of 欧美日b大片. It generally consists of (1) advancement communications, (2) friend raising (alumni relations and other individuals), and (3) development. University Advancement organizes and mobilizes persons who have a direct interest in the University.</li> <li>Advancement programs emanate from the Office of the President so University policies and procedures can be fully implemented. Each campus program will be directed so that maximum understanding, acceptance, and fulfillment of total institutional needs, as well as campus objectives, are achieved.</li> <li>UM Council for Institutional Relations -- There shall be an advancement council consisting of the chief advancement officer of each campus and University Outreach as well as other members appointed by the President.</li> <li>Staff personnel assigned to any subdivision of the University for alumni or constituent relations work, special events, communications or fund raising activities shall be under the management and direction of the campus chief advancement officer, unless otherwise determined by the chancellor.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Scope of Operations</strong> -- Programs under the purview of University Advancement primarily use motivated volunteers.</li> <li><strong>Advancement Communications</strong> -- A variety of written, electronic and other media will be used to communicate with specific audiences to achieve coordinated, planned goals for advancing the University of 欧美日b大片.</li> <li><strong>Friend Raising</strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Alumni Relations<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>Alumni Programs -- Alumni programs form the basis for many activities of institutional support. They should be driven by the unique qualities of each campus to take advantage of campus strengths in meeting University objectives.</li> <li>Alumni Associations -- All divisions of each campus are encouraged to maintain alumni organizations specializing in their particular field or area. These divisional alumni organizations shall be chartered by and associated with the campus alumni association.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Intercampus Alumni Council -- A council of alumni leaders, representing the four University of 欧美日b大片 campus alumni associations, shall have the following purposes:<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>To serve as a liaison committee between the University of 欧美日b大片 System President (and administration) and the four campus alumni associations;</li> <li>To promote systemwide engagement with alumni through association-driven efforts; and</li> <li>To foster collaboration among the alumni associations.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Other Individuals -- The University conducts many educational and service programs involving other than full- and part-time students; it is an integral part of the economic, social and cultural life of all 欧美日b大片ans. For this reason, groups of persons who are not alumni should be involved in University advancement. These citizens are interested and can be mobilized and utilized to assist the total advancement program.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Development</strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>All gifts, both individual and corporate, are accepted and managed within the policies of the Board of Curators with complete assurance that requests and wishes of donors are fulfilled.</li> <li>All development programs will be based on the right of an individual to allocate his or her gift for use to any department, division, or campus within the University. Strong, sustaining programs in annual, corporate, planned and special gifts shall be operated under this fundamental principle. Unrestricted gifts shall be managed in the best interests of the University by the President of the University, or his or her designee, under authority granted by the Board of Curators. The University reserves the right to reject any proposed gift.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> Wed, 26 May 2010 19:40:00 +0000 kuscheld 7387 at 30.020 Advancement Communications /ums/rules/collected_rules/administration/ch30/30.020_advancement_communications <span>30.020 Advancement Communications</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-26T19:42:58+00:00" title="Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 19:42">Wed, 05/26/2010 - 19:42</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 8-22-68; Bd. Min. 4-19-69, Amended Bd. Min. 12-15-94, Amended 8-31-95; Amended 9-24-10.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>University Authority, Organization and General Policies </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Advancement Communications are defined as those which operate in conjunction with advancement programs of friend raising and development. They include all communications directed primarily to members of constituent groups, alumni and/or donors to the University and its constituent groups, and communications seeking contributions to the University.</li> <li>The administration of any general University communications policy must recognize the specialized purposes of advancement communications.</li> <li>Organizations<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The UM Council for Institutional Relations, under the direction of the President, is responsible for:<br> <blockquote><p>(1) The coordination of advancement communications among the campuses.<br> &nbsp;<br> (2) The development and implementation of University-wide advancement communications.</p></blockquote> </li> <li>Campus advancement communications departments are responsible for all campus advancement communications, including those produced by any division or department.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Advancement communications link the University and thousands of its alumni, donors and friends. Communications must be positive in their approach, effectively written and produced, and well coordinated on both intra-campus and inter-campus levels to avoid duplication and to achieve University objectives. Campus advancement communications, particularly those directed to and supported by alumni, should reflect the unique qualities of each campus and alumni association. Alumni communications financially supported in whole or in part by alumni associations should portray the University in a positive manner.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> Wed, 26 May 2010 19:42:58 +0000 kuscheld 7388 at 30.030 Friend Raising /ums/rules/collected_rules/administration/ch30/30.030_friend_raising <span>30.030 Friend Raising</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-26T19:44:04+00:00" title="Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 19:44">Wed, 05/26/2010 - 19:44</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 8-22-68; Bd. Min. 4-19-69; Amended Bd. Min. 12-15-94, Amended 8-31-95.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>University Authority and General Policies</strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>The official alumni and other organization records and mailing lists will be maintained at University expense. The records shall be the property of the University of 欧美日b大片.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Alumni Relations </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>By providing records, maintenance, and staff personnel, the University assists the operation and service of alumni and alumni groups.</li> <li>University Alumni Policies<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>An individual will be considered an alumnus of the University:<br> <blockquote><p>(1) Who is a graduate of the University.<br> (2) Who attended the University for at least one semester or summer session.<br> (3) Who has had an honorary degree conferred upon them by the University.<br> (4) Who has been elected to membership in the campus alumni association by its board of directors.</p></blockquote> </li> <li>There shall be only one independent chartered alumni association for each campus of the University. Any college or divisional organizations shall be components of the chartered campus alumni association.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Constituent Organizations</strong> -- Constituent organizations using the name of the University of 欧美日b大片, or implying that they are associated with the University, will be chartered by the University and, through the advancement office, will submit annually, for approval, copies of their founding charter. Such charters will specify the objectives of the organization, its structure and its financial arrangements, and requirements for periodic audits. The charter will also include: the name of the organization, the objectives of the association, requirements for membership, dues structure, organizational structure, definition of officers, terms of office and basic responsibilities, financial arrangements, method of amendment and other pertinent information detailing the not-for-profit status of the organization.</li> </ol> </div> Wed, 26 May 2010 19:44:04 +0000 kuscheld 7389 at 30.040 Development /ums/rules/collected_rules/administration/ch30/30.040_development <span>30.040 Development</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-26T19:45:49+00:00" title="Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 19:45">Wed, 05/26/2010 - 19:45</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 8-22-68; Bd. Min. 4-19-69; Amended Bd. 12-15-94; Amended 9-24-10.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>General Policies </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>The term "gift" shall apply to any of the following: cash, securities, gifts in kind, real property, inventions, mineral rights, pledges, fractional interests, deferred giving arrangements, and bequests and devises. IRS Section 170 allows an income tax deduction for "... any charitable contribution (as defined in subsection (c)) payment of which is made within the taxable year." Subsection (c) provides that "... the term 'charitable contribution' means a contribution or gift to or for the use of..." certain types of qualified charitable organizations.</li> <li>The policy statements in this document apply to any solicitation effort of individuals, corporations, groups and foundations, which may or may not be related to the University, or any of its campuses, divisions, departments or other subdivisions.</li> <li>The Board of Curators of the University of 欧美日b大片 and the President of the University, or his or her designee, under the power delegated by the Board, are the only authorities that can accept gifts or grants on behalf of the University. The receipt of a gift or grant by an employee of the University does not constitute acceptance and is conditional, pending Presidential and/or Board acceptance.</li> <li>Use of Lists and other information -- Information concerning individuals, corporations, giving records, occupations, wealth, and/or alumni lists, maintained by the University, are the sole property of the University of 欧美日b大片. This type of information is to be considered confidential, for internal use only, and not normally intended for public distribution or use, subject to applicable law.</li> <li>The University is legally and morally obligated to adhere to the terms and conditions of every gift it accepts. For this reason, campus advancement officers, along with business officers, should carefully review and consider the terms and conditions of each gift.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Gifts </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Trusts -- The Board of Curators of the University of 欧美日b大片 may be named as trustee in irrevocable trusts. The Curators are not obligated to accept any such trusts unless the trust instrument has been presented to it and the provisions thereof are approved by the Board of Curators or its designee.</li> <li>Acceptance -- Gifts shall be processed in accordance with stated University policies. The mechanics of acknowledgment and management of gifts shall be in a manner approved by the President of the University. Receipt of a gift does not necessarily constitute acceptance. The gift shall be properly evaluated and the terms that accompany the gift shall be reviewed prior to official acceptance by the University.</li> <li>Reporting Guidelines -- Reporting of gifts shall be in accord with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) guidelines.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> Wed, 26 May 2010 19:45:49 +0000 kuscheld 7390 at