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Terminology is confusing different language. Too much data to know which to use. Dont have formal support for end users (data and tools). Cant tell where you are today and where you will be in the future. We are not eliminating shadow systems (HR and Finance) probably on the increase. Grant information is slow. Consolidated reporting. Data input redundancy (travel). Too flexible systems can create greater problems not yet known. Incorporating external data. Complex systems which increase our risks (security and incorrect data) No checks and balances. Responsiveness to user needs/reports. Time between learning and using skills. The data and reports are too many and too complex for users. No DED or other documentation. User independence is lacking dependence on others. Added work load on end users Need official data yet flexible enough for user needs. Training focused on user level and needs. Refresher training. Formal user support unit (data and tools). Simplify what data are needed. Make training simple. Standardized library of reports and queries. Need periodic review of reports. Enhanced user support. Web updates of manuals. Cheat sheets needed for chart fields/deptids. Simplify reports so end users can get to their bottom line. Insure consistency between reports and web. Need faculty accomplishment system. Need grant input system. Incorporating external data. Standardize reports, centrally supported.Academic Department Heads and their fiscal officers Academic Department Heads and their fiscal officers continued Financial reports. Timeliness of input. Informal support. Grant training was good. Between finance and grant, it is hard to tell what the bottom line is. Web time. PO and travel was working but took twice the work. On line data entry. Informal sharing.Hard to tell what you really have in your accounts. Dependency on Excel to analyze data. No resources for support. PAF corrections. Limited knowledge on how to get to data (student finance and HR). Paper dependency. Travel vouchers. People-dependency not process-dependency. Reports dont make sense to the users. Checks and balances are not working well. Training is not working well. Fragmented reporting tools. Excel is used to check People Soft. Dont know true financial status at any time. Using pro cards instead of purchase order but cant always get the level of detail we need. Infrequent use by faculty. Unnecessarily complex. At departmental level, added responsibilities without added resources. Manuals need updating. Version keeps (and will keep) changingcant keep ahead. Keeping lots of shadow systems. Need to drill down for information. Pro cards are being used to avoid using People Soft. Data/table redundancy. More work/responsibilities and less resources at the department level. We cannot interpret what we are seeing. Language is different and changing. Financial transfers out and in are very confusing. Training is done on different datanot using the same terminology we use.Senior Level Administrators Senior Level Administrators continued Senior Level Administrators continued Senior Level Administrators continued Web time database. Can retrieve information. Paychecks are there. General accounting. Ability to see pay check data. HR production data is there and you can trust it for the most part (also financial transaction data is good. PO search tools very helpful. P/R screen, budget transfer, beginning balances, PAF transaction. Web applications work well (but no training). Payroll correcting entries better. IDOs are better. Less paper work than before. Faster transaction, velocity processing, PCE, CE IDO forms are better.Knowledge retention for areas they dont use often. Grant data form is not working well Takes lots of time and dont have access I had before. On-going training. Help desk. Dont know how to get to reports that are already there. Have no contact with the system. Need to be able to forecast trendsget trend data. Data is datedwe need new data especially in these crisis times. Our systems of help are people oriented and not process oriented. Dont do things often enough to remember how to do them. Overly technical. People not prepared to use data/reports. Budget transfers have to be putting special numbers in. PAF while on line is a waste. We use lots of pages to do the same thing. Vacation/sick accruals are critical what is the and who do we could go to? Bridge table is a nightmare. We need to be able to adjust how we pay someone. Cant extract that data and get meaningful data. Need FTE reporting. Some data not accessible. We need, who are the people and what are they paid like we had in the old system. I can get the information with a query but others cannot. If money is not in the budgeteverything stops until it can be put in error mis-management. Lots of steps, very time consuming. They have given fiscal officers a screen for making changes. Screen allows putting in things out of balancethat should NOT be. Things appear as two different transactions. You cannot see all the parts. Debts and credits appear twice. There is a time sync in managing information putting it in and pulling it out.Training at end user levels for end user jobs. Need for faculty and others to understand how the system works. Overwhelming need to track what they have been doing need to be confident. Redundant data entry (travel). Language. Professional training but also content area trainers. Training on reports. Use updated training materials. Faculty needs training. Need electronic forms and signatures. Need two training sessionsone academic and one non-academic. Less levels of reporting simplify reporting. Could technical people do a report and save time that our people are using generating the report? Someway to share our little systems that work. Automatically generated report that others can get, not just top administrators. Data on tracking transfer students. We need minors of students as well as majors. A list of graduates in disciplines. We need to be more process dependent and not person dependent training and operating. Greater accuracy in data. Fewer shadow systems. We need to know: Who are our customerswhere do they come fromwhat do they intend to dowhere do they transfer fromwhat are their attitudeswhere do they go? Timelinessnew data. Alumni and other databases, foundations and development have datais it differentcan it be accessible? Grants need to be able to bring all the numbers together. Need a report that shows courses, student credit hours, revenue generated, ability to go from payroll to this report to say how much of that persons contract was for this course and generate profitability by course. What programs should we invest in more and what ones should be eliminated in budget times? More user friendly reporting - help key is useless. We need system data so we can see what others are doing and comparable. The reports are not correctwe need to get them corrected TODAY and so they are correct in the future. Detail reports must be fixed. People Soft was sold as one database and it is noteven these 2 (HR and Finance) are separate systems. Reduce redundant entries (people switch jobs, or GTS and then not working and then only studentthey are in different accounts rather than same). PAF forms are redundant. Delaware study needs to be where we can get it. We need to have another task force that can look at what we can do to be more efficient. Have an incentive programthese people who find the problems, get something. Inconsistency is a problem we need to fix- some places wants upper and lower and others all cap. A to B to C is not communicating. Rollup reports. Open group Open group continued Open group continuedInstitutional reports. Web interfaces are good. Balance sheet is good. Income statement is good for some things. Aggregate reports on web screens are good. Some Financial reports are understandable and reliable.Tree reports and aggregate reports dont provide enoughthey are just raw datahard to turn into useful information for reporting. Not knowing where you are with budgets and who is spending the money. Timeliness. Have to get help from people all around campus. No time to learn the new stuff. Requires someone who is a computer typetoo confusing for the others of us. We use web to get 6 reports and cut and paste to make a report. Pro card system needs overalldoesnt work. We need to do other things and all this takes lots of time. The input is still a problemway below where the reporting is coming from. When we are charged for one thing by one dept it is one thing and another department carries it, it is called something else. Have to screen capture and print everything. It takes one person in the office to do People Soft and we have other jobswe are working on weekends and late and still cant get it right. As departments, we do an annual report and none of the data are available from the systemwe are having to do it all by hand. More and more is being delegated back to the departmentsit is unbelievable what they are expected to do on their own. Sometimes they only have high school graduation and have to train themselves and be able to do all things. Data are entered incorrectly. We spent tons of time telling people what we wanted and no one did it. I keep wondering if this is going to be the same. Student system is archaic, but we need to work on it before going to People Soft to prevent problems.Need to build a system so we dont have to start all over for North Central (Higher Learning) accreditation. Need one screen that has everything. There is a need to have available summary information. Different levels need different levels of detail in terms of what is being reported. Need to divorce procard from FRS. Need reports of what people need across the systemwhat do you need that will help you do your job better. Work groups to design what reports we need. Common set of terms, definitions, and reports, common across colleges and system. Reports people do could be posted on web. Need specialty views of the data. Need to be able to reconcile general ledger quickly. Need to be able to look at screens and recognize it. Need cheat sheets - MOCODE translator. Need to be able to print out payroll accruals. Electronic signature. Still need some paper. Better budget reports. Send a team to go to other campuses and then make systems for groups and then come back to see how it is working.  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