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Fonts UsedDesign TemplateEmbedded OLE Servers Slide Titles  8@ _PID_HLINKSA@\\um-ics-fs1\asp\UM\Mgt\ASP Module Deployment Plan 02252003.xls"_ Ben PhelpsBen Phelps$5 8K)||Q  0e0e     A@ A1 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||S"`[QDf3f@8{ uʚ;2Nʚ;g43d3d0pppp@ <4!d!d 0,H<4dddd 0,H<4BdBd 0,H? %O =b>UM  System A.I.T.S.  ,PeopleSoft Implementation Plan By Ben Phelps - Transition FactorsRelational (SA, FS, HR, EPM) Integrated (UM, MU, UM-R, UMKC, UMSL, HOSP, etc.) Row Level Security (bittersweet) Effective Dating Multiple Relationships within System Data stored in single location   Architecture  0  Architecture  0 Database InstancesOHR PRD 76* (Dynamic) HR RPT 76* (Static) HR TRN 76* HR DEV 76 HR TST 76>  P BHR CNV 76 HR QA 76 HR CNV 83 HR TST 83 Plus ODBC * User interface2C!Enterprise Performance Management"" !Enterprise Performance Management"" !Enterprise Performance Management""EPM (continued)Cubes (multi-dimensional reporting) Balanced Scorecards (ties reporting to strategic plan) Analytics (forecasting & scenarios)vZ!ZZ*Z ZZh   Implementation Schedule HUM  System A.I.T.S.%%  rޥt