Management Reporting Training Guides

One-on-One Training

•Getting Started:  Read "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters ".  Click on this link or the Help button to access this document.


"Frequently Asked Questions/User Problems"


Self-Paced Training Guide for Internet Explorer

Section 1:  Logging In and Using the "My Page" Section

Goal: Learn about Management Reporting's log-in procedure and each user's personalized homepage.
Learning: The user enters Management Reporting by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop, then completes the log-in process by entering X.500 username and password.  The log-in page carries constantly rotating tips to enlarge your general computer knowledge, provides a link to personalize your settings and update as necessary, and includes an e-mail link to report "bugs" to Management Reporting staff.
Action:  Double-click on the Internet Explorer icon.  If your homepage is not set to Management Reporting, type in its URL:    http://www.umreports.umn.edu and press "Enter" (the return button).  The log-in page appears. 

•Log-in by entering your X.500 username and password, then clicking on the "User Login" button. 

When you click on "Login", another window appears.  It needs to be maximized to see all information. Click the square in the upper right-hand corner to maximize, then click on "Continue" to reach your personal page.

The "Log in" screens are illustrated below.

Click on "Personalize" to update your account information, then click on "Account Information". Notice the information that appears at the bottom of this final screen - your current browser, IP address, operating system, and screen resolution.  You may be asked about this information if you call the Management Reporting User Support Line so that we can better focus on the source of your problem.  This part of the personalization screen also tracks the last time you logged in and how many times you've logged in.

Make changes in the information boxes, then click on "Update".  A screen appears with your new information and you're asked to confirm it; click "Confirm".  Then, click on the link at the bottom of the screen to return to your personal page.

The "Personalizing Account Information" screens are illustrated below:

To update bookmarks, return to "My Page".  Click on "personalize", then on "bookmarks" to add or delete bookmarks.  (To learn more about bookmarks, skip to Section 5 for procedure and practice.) NOTE:  Section 5 is under construction at this time.   The great thing about placing your bookmarks in Management Reporting is that they travel with you.  If you access Management Reporting through someone else's computer or your home computer, your bookmarks will be there for you — what a convenience!

To report a bug within Management Reporting or request an enhancement you'd like to see, return to "My Page" and click on "Bug Report".  You'll be able to send an e-mail to the development staff at Management Reporting; you'll generally receive a response within 48 hours.



Self-Paced Training Guide for Internet Explorer

Section 2:  Logging In and Using the "Working" Section

Goal: Learn to use the different modules available to work inside the Management Reporting environment.
Learning: Management Reporting has developed four modules to facilitate your information and decision support needs.  Working with "Finances" is a great way to keep everything in balance when you let Management Reporting work with you.  Navigate right to the places where attention is required and download the data directly into your spreadsheet when further analysis is required.  You'll be able to quickly find various University resources to assist you in managing your "Human Resources" and future plans for helping you manage your personnel processes.  Working with "Assets" doesn't have to be treasure hunt for lost equipment.  You no longer have to head into inventory from scratch, nor do you have to scratch your head when Inventory Services staff come knocking.  Working with "Instruction" is less of an assignment with Management Reporting.  Check out the types of features and functionality we plan on releasing to assist you with the management of our most important resource - Instruction.  (Need to know more?  The "Help" button at the top right of each screen will take you to "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters", a brief overview of the Management Reporting site.)
Action:  •Click on "Working", then on "Finances".  You can access the entire component by clicking on "…Not sure?  Click here for All" and reading through the report descriptions.  What financial reports do you need?  At what level?  Are you working with sponsored or non-sponsored funds? Do you need ICR data?  Do you need to go to the CUFS screen?  To BASIS?  To Forms Nirvana?  To ORTTA?  It's all here in one place!  Suppose you want to check out the expenditures for the month of August in a non-sponsored account?  Here's what to do:
 •Click on "Financial Reports - Non Sponsored", then on "Account Transactions Report", then on the appropriate fiscal year, then on period 02.  Voile!  How easy can it get? 

When you click on "Working", then on "Finances", the following screen appears:

You're able to access your particular area by drilling down; try this by clicking on "Financial Reports-Non Sponsored", then on "Account Transactions Report" or another category, then on desired year as illustrated below.

Continue drilling down by clicking on your Area, then on "All".

Notice the information in the top bar of the report.  It tells you the year you're currently viewing, the area and org, and various other information.  Note that you can view other years by clicking on "these fiscal years" and selecting the appropriate time period.

This screen is illustrated below.

Once you've reached a report, you may want to bookmark it so that you can access it more quickly without going through the drill-down process.  Just click on the "Add to Bookmarks" button and follow the prompts. Read through "learn how" (beneath the "Add to Bookmarks" button) for a good overview on the process.

If you need to modify this report for a meeting, for example, click on "save to Excel" button and follow the prompts. Read through "learn how" (beneath the ”Excel" button) for a good overview on the process.

Click on "Working" in the toolbar, then on "with Human Resources".  Access the entire component by clicking on "…Not sure?  Click here for All".  You'll find an Excel template for Faculty Salary Merit that's designed to help a college and department through the faculty merit salary review process. "Human Resources Information" provides information from other University web pages and phone numbers that are relevant to your work.  Please note that these pages are not maintained by us, so we cannot guarantee their availability, accuracy, or content.

Suppose you needed a generic job description?
 •Click on "Human Resources Information", then on "OHR Position Classificatfion Database", and follow the prompts.

The "Working with Human Resources" screens are illustrated below.

Click on "Working", then on "with Assets".  Access the entire component by clicking on "…Not sure?  Click here for All".  Checking out "Space Reports - Space Management", you'll notice that this data is extracted from the University SPAM database.  This data is believed to reflect University space currently assigned to your area.  Any corrections or changes to the data need to be reported to the University Budget Office in order to ensure final correction to the SPAM Database.

Suppose you wanted to view data for your College or Department?
•Click on "Space Management Data".

The "Working with Assets" screen is illustrated below.

Click on "Working", then on "with Instruction". Access the entire component by clicking on "…Not sure?  Click here for All".  If you're working with the University IMG tuition model, the information contained here is enlightening.  Decide on type of report in which you're interested, say "Tuition Attribution Course Reports".  These reports are designed to demonstrate NET tuition generated by course instruction.  Information presented here shows 100% of the tuition and student credit hours (SCH) generated by courses currently mapped back to a department, college, provost or campus.  Note that the University IMG tuition model attributes only 75% of actual instructional level to a college.

 •Click on appropriate level.  Please be patient.  These reports contain lots of data and take time to appear.  If you print one of these reports, change the "Page Setup" to "Landscape" to accommodate the width of the report.

The "Working with Instruction" screen is illustrated below.

For an overview of Instruction, the IMG Tuition Attribution process, and an explanation of how information is reflected on the reports, drill down to any instructional report, then click on the "Help" button.

The "Help" document screen is illustrated below.




Self-Paced Training Guide for Internet Explorer

Section 3:  Using the "Learning" Section

Goal: Learn about various information resources available within the Management Reporting environment.
Learning: This section provides links to bring helpful information to your desktop.  You'll find information about Management Reporting, the UM, Higher Education, and Other/Global.  These areas can be accessed by clicking on "Learning", then on one of the four areas on the drop-down menu.  You can reach separate sections within each site, or access the entire component by clicking on "…Not sure?  Click here for All".  (Need to know more?  The "Help" button at the top right of the screen will take you to "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters", a brief overview of the Management Reporting site.)
Action:   Click on "Learning", then on the one of the four areas on the drop-down menu.  Here's a guide for each one:

 — about Management Reporting

•Click on "Learning about Management Reporting - Main Page".   You can learn about Management Reporting in several ways, depending on your interest, duties, and time.  The links on this page contain information that will help you with getting started and getting the most out of Management Reporting, while providing information on where to go for further assistance and training.  Some good areas to check out include "Management Reporting-Frequently Asked Questions" and "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters".
•Open any report under Finances or Instruction.  Learn how to open a report in Excel by clicking on "learn how" under the Excel button at the top right. You'll reach a help document entitled, "Opening Excel Versions of Management Reporting Documents."
•Reach "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters" by clicking on the Help button; this is a great place for new users to become familiar with Management Reporting.
•Click on "…Not sure?  Click here for All" and receive a listing of all the links contained in this section.

The "Learning about Management Reporting" screen is illustrated below.  Notice how easily you can jump to other sections by clicking on one of the links on the Toolbar (My Page, Working, Learning, Searching, Bookmarks, Exit) or on the Buttons (about Management Reporting, about the UM, about Higher Education, about Other/Global).

— about the UM

No more calling around — we've brought it together for you!  Here are links for different information at the UM, i.e., Departments, Publications/Facts, Policies, Calendars, or Services.  Click on each area below and find out what's available:

•Click on "U Policies" to reach links to collections of U policies:  Regents, General Policies Homepage, and Research Policies.

•Click on "U Departments" to reach various non-educational departments at the U, including Bookstore, Computer Store, Food Services, etc.  Scroll down to see more.

•Click on other areas to see what's available.

The "Learning about UM" screen is illustrated below.

— about Higher Education

 Here are links to access information outside the University.  What do you need?  There are databases for peer comparison or institution classification, links to other higher education colleges or institutions, agencies or organizations that support higher education, higher education publications, and reference services.  Find out more by clicking on the areas below.

•Click on each link to access this information: "Databases", "Organizations", "Publications", and "Services".

The "Learning about Higher Education" screen is illustrated below.


— about Other/Global

Here are links to different news sources, computer support, an encyclopedia, the Federal Consumer Education Center, and electronic magazines.  Look them over!

•Click on "News - Local" and reach local newspapers and television stations.

•Click on "Electronic Magazine"; what's available?  Read the current issue before it reaches your home!

The "Other/Global" screen is illustrated below.




Self-Paced Training Guide for Internet Explorer

Section 4:  Logging In and Using the "Searching" Section

Goal: Learn to utilize and locate resources inside and outside of the Management Reporting environment.
Learning: Management Reporting has been designed to provide you with a consistent and intuitive interface to navigating around the site.  This has been done by using frames to define unique areas on each page.  These different areas are separated by a thin blue horizontal line running the full width of your browser window.  This two-frame approach was created to allow you to navigate around the site while retaining the toolbar top frame and its functionality.  Our goal is to help you learn how to get to the content you desire quickly and we've provided search capabilities to do that.  In this section, you can search within the ”Management Reporting" environment, at the "U of M", or on the "Internet".  (Need to know more?  The "Help" button at the top right of each screen will take you to "Navigating Management Reporting's Waters", a brief overview of the Management Reporting site.)
Action:   •Click on "Searching", then on one of the selections in the drop-down window:  Management Reporting, the U of M, or the Internet.  In this exercise, click on Management Reporting.  To search within Management Reporting, type what you're searching for in the box and click on the "Search" button.

The "Searching" menu screen is illustrated below.

The "Searching Management Reporting" screen is illustrated below.

•Click on "Searching", then on "the U of M".  Clicking on "Search for a Department's Home Page" takes you to a search page to find departmental home pages on the Twin Cities Campus.

The "Searching the University" screen is illustrated below.


Self-Paced Training Guide for Internet Explorer

Section 5:  Personalizing Management Reporting with Bookmards

Creating Bookmark Categories