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Jefferson Blue RiverLongview Maple Woods Penn Valley Mineral AreaMoberly St. CharlesFlorisssant Valley Forest ParkMeramec State Fair Three Rivers North Central Linn State WashingtonSaint Louis Univ.AvilaCentral MethodistColumbiaCulver-StocktonDruryEvangel FontbonneHannibal-LaGrange Lindenwood MaryvilleŷbƬ BaptistŷbƬ ValleyPark RockhurstCollege of the OzarksSouthwest BaptistStephensWebster WestminsterWilliam Jewell William WoodsCotteyKemper WentworthAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansas CaliforniaColorado ConnecticutDelawareD. C.FloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentucky LouisianaMaineMaryland MassachusettsMichigan Minnesota MississippiMontanaNebraskaNevada New Hampshire New Jersey New MexicoNew YorkNorth Carolina North DakotaOhioOklahomaOregon Pennsylvania Rhode IslandSouth Carolina South Dakota TennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginia West Virginia WisconsinWyomingSubtotal Out-of-StateU. S. TerritoriesForeign CountriesUnknown Grand Total SW-West PlainsMetro CC St. Louis CCBusiness & Techn.INSTRUCTIONS AND DEFINITIONS7INSTITUTIONAL ORIGIN OF UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS)AND FIRST-TIME ENTERING GRADUATE STUDENTSDHE 07-2I.INSTITUTIONAL IDENTIFICATIONComplete all institutional identification items at the top of the form, including the name of the institution and the reporting period for which the form is being submitted. Also provide the name and telephone number of the person who is responsible for completing this form. II.REPORTING PERIODEnrollment counts by institutional origin on the DHE 07-2 should be reported as of the institution's official fall reporting date or October 15th.III. STUDENTS INCLUDED IN THIS REPORTpInclude from this report the same students that were included from the IPEDS EF1 or EF2, Fall Enrollment form. <The distribution of students by institutional origin is based on the ŷbƬ institution or other United States institution from which the student is transferring as an undergraduate or from which the student received his most recent bachelor or first professional degree as a first-time-entering graduate student. IV."STUDENTS EXCLUDED FROM THIS REPORTmExclude from this report the same students that were excluded from the IPEDS EF1 or EF2, Fall Enrollment formNAlso exclude from this report first-time-entering first professional students. GLOSSARY OF TERMS THAT MAY BE"USEFUL WHEN COMPLETING THIS REPORTDEGREE-SEEKING: An individual who has been admitted to a general or specific course of study or program at the completion of which a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award is awarded by the institution. Students who have not yet declared a major but have taken and/or are presently enrolled in courses and activities that when successfully completed will be applied to a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award. Students classified as auditing a course would normally be included in this category, although their classification in the non-degree-seeking category might also be appropriate. Due to varying institutional procedures for enrolling students, it is possible that a student could be admitted to a general or specific course of study or program but, because of his or her objectives, be more appropriately considered a non-degree-seeking student. In such cases the institution should develop its own means for reflecting this situation in its data files.FIRST TIME DEGREE-SEEKING GRADUATE: A person enrolled at the graduate level for the first time. Includes graduate students enrolled in the fall term who attended graduate school in the prior summer term. NON-DEGREE-SEEKING: An individual who has been admitted to a general or specific program, course of study, or activity in the institution at the completion of which a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award is neither awarded by the institution nor sought by the student. These students may be enrolled in credit and/or noncredit courses. They should not be confused with students with undeclared majors admitted to degree programs. Students classified as visiting, provisional, special, etc., would normally be included in this category, although their classification in the degree-seeking category might also be appropriate. Due to varying institutional procedures for enrolling students, it is possible that a student might not be admitted to a general or specific course of study or program, but because of his or her objectives nevertheless before appropriately considered as a degree-seeking student. In such cases the institution should develop its own means for reflecting this situation in its data files.TRANSFER STUDENT: A student who is entering the institution for the first time but is known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level. `U. S. TERRITORIES: American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands!Completed by: Dr. La Shonda Boone Date Completed: December 2, 2002Reporting Period: Fall 2002Telephone: 573-884-3104)Institution: University of ŷbƬ-Rolla' j R 7 &   } b 5eG,taF  v[ @ (%/x:E0PWX  dMbP?_*+%&ףp= ?(?)(\?MHP LaserJet 6P/6MP PostScriptS od,,LetterPRIV0''''\K\K=&}"d,,??U} } } } } } } $           '                            ~ !@ %@%?%"@%~ !@ %%%@%~ !@ %%%:@%@~ !@@ % @%%"@%~ !h@ %@%%?%?~ !@ %%%%~ !@ %@%%?%~ !@ %@%%?%~ !@ %?%%%~ !@ %@%%?%~ !,@ %@%%?%~ !@@  %@%?%%~ !T@ !% @%?%?%~ !h@ %% )+ $%%*,~ !@ "%% *,~ !@ #%2@%? *,~ !@ $%% *,D* l$$$$$$$$BP^">>>>>>>>>>>>>@"@@ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=@>@?@~ !@ % %&@% *,~ !!@ !#!%&@* %"&o#!%* %"&o !*,~ "!ʧ@ "&"%% "*,~ #!̧@ ##%% #*,~ $!ԧ@ $'$%$@% $*,~ %!@ %(%%?% %*,~ &!@ &)&%% &*,~ '!$@ '*'%$@% '*,~ (!8@ (+(%@% (*,~ )!B@ ),)%@% )*,~ *!L@ *#*%9@P %+-H#*%P %+-H **,~ +!`@ +-+% @% +*,~ ,!t@ ,.,%"@% ,*,~ -!@ -/-% @% -*,~ .!@ .0.%% .*,~ /!@ /1/%@% /*,~ 0!Ĩ@ 020%% 0*, 1$1%%*,~ 2!@ 232%% 2*, 3$3%%((~ 4!h@ 454%@%% @%?~ 5!|@ 545%@%%@%?~ 6!@ 666%%%%~ 7!@ 777%@%%%~ 8!@ 888%@%%@%~ 9!@ 999%%%%~ :!ij@ :::%@%%@%~ ;!γ@ ;;;%%%%~ <!س@ <<<%%%%~ =!@ ===%?%%%~ >!@ >>>%%%?%~ ?!@ ???%%%%?D l@x@@@@@@@@x@@@@@@"@">>>>>>>>>>>@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_~ @!@ @@@%?%%%~ A! @ AAA%%%%~ B!@ BBB%%%%~ C!@ CCC%%%%?~ D!(@ DDD%%%%~ E!2@ EEE%@%?%@%~ F!<@ FFF%%%%~ G!P@ GGG%@%?%%~ H!Z@ HHH%%%%~ I!d@ III%?%%%~ J!n@ JJJ%%%% K$K%%%%~ L!z@ LKL%%%%~ M!@ MLM%%%%~ N!@ NMN%%%%~ O"0@ OO%"@%%@%~ P"b@ PVP%d@P@%O~D"D#D$D%D&D+D,D-VP%@!@%O~D"D#D$D%D&D+D,D-#P%R@ %O#P% @ %O Q$Q%%%%~ R!p@ RNR%%?%@%?~ S!x@ SOS%%%%~ T!@ TPT%%%?%?~ U!@ UQU%?%%@%~ V!@ VRV%@%%@%@~ W!@ WSW%@%%@%~ X!@ XTX%%%%~ Y!@ YUY%%%%~ Z!@ ZVZ%%%%~ [!@ [W[%?%%@%~ \!@ \X\%@%%@%?~ ]!Ȍ@ ]Y]%%%%~ ^!Ќ@ ^Z^%%%?%?~ _!،@ _[_%*@%%"@%@D l>>>>>>>>>>>">>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~~ `!@ `\`%?%%@%~ a!@ a]a%@%%@%?~ b!@ b^b% @%%@%?~ c!@ c_c%%?%%~ d!@ d`d%%%?%~ e!@ eae%%%%~ f!@ fbf%@%%?%~ g!@ gcg%@%%?%~ h! @ hdh%?%?%@%~ i!(@ iei%%%@%?~ j!0@ jfj%?%?%@%~ k!@@ kgk%%%%?~ l!H@ lhl%%%@%~ m!P@ mim%%%%~ n!X@ njn%%%%~ o!`@ oko%%%%~ p!h@ plp%%%@%?~ q!p@ qmq%?%%<@%~ r!x@ rnr%%%?%~ s!@ sos%%%%~ t!@ tpt%?%%@%~ u!@ uqu%@%%@%~ v!@ vrv%%%%~ w!@ wsw%%?%@%~ x!@ xtx%%%%~ y!@ yuy%%?%@%~ z!@ zvz%%%?%~ {!@ {w{%?%%@%~ |!ȍ@ |x|%?%%@%~ }!Ѝ@ }y}%@%%?%~ ~!؍@ ~z~%%%%~ !@ {%%%@%D@ l>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@@~ !@ 4%?%%@%?~ !@ |%%%?%~ !@ }%%%@%~ !@ ~%%%%~ "(@ #%I@ %R#%@ %R#%^@ %R#%.@ %R~ !P@ %%%%~ !@ %@%?%@g@%~ !@ %@%3@%3@%~ #8@ 7&l@%!DPDDDD7&@@!DPDDDD7&y@!DPDDDD7&7@P!DPDDDD ------ ------ ------ ------   //////   //////    //////  0>>>>>>>""""""" @ @ @@   .----- .----- ////// ////// /////0 ////// """""">@:7 @ 3Z  dMbP?_*+%"??U>@7 @ :[  dMbP?_*+%"??U>@7 Oh+'0HP`p cbhefsaderfMicrosoft Excel@T@c @D?q՜.+,0 PXh px cbheSh Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets  !"#$%&'()*+,-/012345789:;<=Root Entry FW NqWorkbook[SummaryInformation(.DocumentSummaryInformation86