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How many students are exclusively auditing courses and are excluded from FT FreshmenTotal UndergradGraduateBtaking courses taught at their high school by high school faculty?<taking courses on your campus that are taught by your staff?in televised or ITV courses?in Internet courses?in correspondence courses? In-state (3) Out-state (4) In-state (5) Out-state (6) In-state (9)Out-state (10) In-state (11)Out-state (12) In-state (15)Out-state (16) In-state (17)Out-state (18) In-state (21)Out-state (22) In-state (23)Out-state (24) In-state (27)Out-state (28) In-state (29)Out-state (30) In-state (33)Out-state (34)Full-time (35)Part-time (36)(37)T1. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E, are high school students R2. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E are high school studentsK3. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E, are enrolled in line 37, column E?G5. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E, are enrolledG6. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E, are enrolledG7. How many of the students reported in line 37, column E, are enrolledE8. How many of the students reported in lines 9 through 12, column E,@are nondegree-seeking first-time freshmen (thus not reported in lines 1 through 8? Credit HoursINSTRUCTIONS AND DEFINITIONS&FOR SUPPLEMENT TO FALL ENROLLMENT FORM(DHE 02-4, DHE 02-2, DHE 02-4I, DHE 02-2I3ENROLLMENT BY STUDENT LEVEL, LOAD AND CURRENT LEGAL RESIDENCE I.INSTITUTIONAL IDENTIFICATIONComplete all institutional identification items at the top of the form, including the name of the institution and the reporting period for which the form is being submitted. Also provide the name and telephone number of the person who is responsible for completing this form. II.REPORTING PERIODEnrollment counts on the DHE 02 supplement should be reported as of the institution's official fall reporting date or October 15th.III. STUDENTS INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT~Include in this report the same universe of students that is reported on the IPEDS EF1 or EF2, Fall Enrollment form. That is:yInclude students who are enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree or other formal award including remedial courses.\Include students enrolled in courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program. <Include students enrolled in residence centers as on-campus.Include students auditing some, but not all, of their courses if course tuition is assessed at the rate applicable to credit-seeking students. Include students who are known to be dual-enrolled IF these students are paying fees appropriate for their level and load at your school.9Include students enrolled in contract or donated courses.The distribution of students by course load (i.e., full-time or part-time) is based on the total number of credit hours carried this semester or term by the student, including any audited courses.The distribution of students by legal residence is based on the student's present legal residence and used as the basis for institutional fee assessment.The full-time-equivalency (FTE) of first professional students should be determined by the institution and reported in the extra boxes near the right margin of the DHE 02-4 and DHE 02-4I forms.IV."STUDENTS EXCLUDED FROM THIS REPORTExclude students enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a formal award or vocational program except remedial courses.Exclude students exclusively auditing classes.Exclude students studying abroad (e.g., at a foreign university) if their enrollment at this institution is only an administrative record and the fee is only nominal.CExclude students in any branch campus located in a foreign country.bExclude students whose registration was cancelled and their fees are refunded or forgiven in full.Exclude students who have been accepted for admission to the institution but do not complete the registration procedure or attend any classes (i.e., no-show students).Exclude students who have completed the registration procedure, have paid fees and have attended classes but who withdraw before the census date.Exclude students who are known to be dual-enrolled if they are not paying fees appropriate for their level and load at your school.OExclude students who are enrolled in continuing professional education courses.%GLOSSARY OF TERMS THAT MAY BE USEFUL WHEN COMPLETING THIS SURVEYCANCELLED REGISTRATION STUDENT: A student who has completed the registration procedure and has paid fees in full (or has made acceptable arrangement for the payment of fees) but whose registration is subsequently cancelled and fees refunded or forgiven in full. CENSUS DATE: The designated day in an academic term, after most drops/adds have been completed, when the institution takes official enrollment counts. The census date is defined as the end of the fourth week of classes in a semester; the end of the third week of classes in a quarter; the end of the second week of classes in an eight-week summer session; or the day on which one-fourth of the class days will have been completed in any other academic period. Same as  Official Fall Enrollment Date. CONTRACT COURSE: A course which is offered pursuant to grants with external agencies which provide funds that are specifically designated to be used to pay the instructional salary and other associated costs of teaching the specific courses. Courses that are taught by faculty who are paid from research grants or research contracts are not contract courses. The reimbursement of tuition and fees by a business or industry for its students to take specific courses is not to be defined as a contract course. Generally contract courses are off-campus, but may be located on-campus. Applicable primarily to public community and junior colleges. -COURSE AUDITOR: A student who is taking or sitting in on a credit course but who will not be receiving semester credits for participation in the course. An auditor may pay a special fee for the privilege of auditing rather than the regular per credit hour fee as charged to credit-seeking students. yCREDIT COURSE: An educational activity for which a student must enroll and pay fees, which if successfully completed, can be applied toward the number of courses required for achieving a degree, diploma certificate, or other formal award at a given institution. Include in this definition remedial courses even though completion may not be creditable toward a formal award. BDONATED COURSE: Courses of one higher education institution that are available to the students of another institution at no cost to the student or the institution in< which the student is enrolled. Credit hours for donated courses and joint program courses will be reported only by the institution offering the courses. DUAL COLLEGE ENROLLMENT: Student known to be enrolled in courses at more than one institution during the semester or quarter. zENROLLMENT: A student who is counted on a headcount basis as registered on the final census date for the reporting term. cENROLLMENT STATUS: A student's present attendance status in a postsecondary education institution.First-time Degree-seeking Undergraduate: A student entering an institution for the first time with less than one semester of academic credit earned at another institution which is applicable for credit at the institution of current enrollment. Also included is a student who has earned any amount of credit solely by means of the College Level Examination Program or similar academic exemption test. Same as FIRST- TIME FRESHMAN and FIRST-TIME STUDENT.Nondegree-seeking Student: Students enrolled in courses for credit who are not recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or other formal award.Other First Year Students: Students who entered college prior to the fall reporting period and who are not classified as sophomores or as first time undergraduates.EXTENSION CENTER: A facility that offers an organized program(s) leading to a formal award and is located in a community different from that of the main campus of the institution. Defined as off-campus. An extension center may have all the criteria for a residence center except recognition by CBHE. A residence center is defined as on-campus and has a unique DHE code assignment.FIRST-TIME STUDENT: A student attending an institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. An entering freshman who has never attended any college. Includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term. Also includes students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). See FIRST-TIME UNDERGRADUATE, ENROLLMENT STATUS and STUDENT LEVELFIRST-TIME UNDERGRADUATE: A student entering any college for the first time ever. For reporting purposes, this category includes students enrolled in the mid-term who entered college for the first time in the prior summer term and students who entered with advanced standing and may actually be classified beyond the freshman level at entry. A student will be reported in this category only once. Also included in this definition are FIRST-TIME FRESHMAN and FIRST-TIME STUDENT.FOR CREDIT: Recognition of attendance and/or performance in an instructional activity (course or program) that can be applied by a recipient to requirements for a degree, diploma, or other formal award at a given institution.FULL-TIME STUDENT: A student who is enrolled for a number of credit hours at least equal to 75 times the applicable normal student load with the product rounded to the next larger whole number. Undergraduate: a student enrolled for either 12 or more semester credits; 12 or more quarter credits; or 24 contact hours per week each term.Graduate: a student enrolled for either 9 or more semester credits; or 9 or more quarter credits or students involved in thesis or dissertation preparation who are considered full-time by the institution. 4First Professional: as defined by the institution. FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE): A constructed count calculated by dividing the total number of credit hours generated at a given student level by the applicable normal student load.PIN-STATE: A student who attends a postsecondary education institution in the state in which he or she has legal residence at the time of original admission. If the institution also tabulates in-district student data, care should be exercised to avoid double counting. In such a case, this category means out-of-district but in-state.JOINT PROGRAM ENROLLMENT: Students known to be enrolled in a single degree (or certificate) program offered jointly by more than one institution will be classified as full-time or part-time according to the student's total credit hour load. The credit hours reported on DHE02 for such a student will be the total credit hour load of that student from all enrollments in that term. NO SHOW STUDENT: A student who has been accepted for admission to the institution and has given an indication, e.g., fee deposit, that he intends to enroll but does not complete the registration procedure or attend any classes. NON-CREDIT COURSE: A course or activity having no credit applicable toward a formal award, certificate or degree, except remedial courses.Courses, seminars, workshops and other educational activities or experiences offered by a higher education institution which may not be applied to meet requirements of the institution's formal degree, diploma, certificate programs.NORMAL STUDENT LOAD: The number of credit hours (or other units required for graduation) divided by the number of semesters, quarters, etc., normally taken in a degree program. It is expected that the normal student load will differ among institutions and program levels. Differences may even be shown to exist within programs and program levels at an institution. The average load of an institution or of its various program levels may be equal to the normal student load, but they need not and probably will not be the same. Currently defined for undergraduates as 120 semester hours completed within four years or 30 hours in one year or 15 hours in one semester.OFF-CAMPUS: Refers to courses offered anywhere other than in the facilities or on the grounds of a campus (or residence center) or to students or faculty engaged in such activities. Excluded are those instructional activities that are an integral part of on-campus instructional programs, but take students away from the campus for a special learning experience in student teaching, fieldwork and internship. Included as off-campus are courses offered via correspondence, newspaper or through extension programs. OFF-CAMPUS EXTENSION CENTER: A site of an educational institution that is outside the physical confines of its parent institution, that is not temporary but may be rented or made available to the institution at no cost by another institution or an organization, agency, or firm, and offers courses that are part of an organized program at the parent institution. Not the same as a RESIDENCE CENTER. +OFF-CAMPUS FACILITY: See OFF-CAMPUS CENTEROFF-SCHEDULE: Refers to courses (and irregular academic terms) which are offered on a calendar which does not generally correspond with the calendar of the regular academic term. ON-CAMPUS: Refers to courses taking place in the facilities or on the grounds of a campus (or residence center) or to students or faculty engaged in such activities. Included as on-campus are home study courses offered via open circuit television or radio.ON-SCHEDULE: Refers to courses offered on a schedule that generally corresponds with the regular academic term. At most institutions, the majority of courses are on-schedule. Included are evening courses which may not begin on the same date as day courses. OUT-OF-STATE: A student who attends a postsecondary education institution outside of the state in which he or she had legal residence at the time of  original admission. International students are not included in this category. The in- and out-of-state student categories of this term should not be confused with 'in-state' and 'out-of-state' students as classified by current LEGAL RESIDENCE. The former designations are for purposes of classi< fying a student's legal residence upon first admission, while the latter are for classifying a student's current legal residence, usually for tuition and fee purposes in state-supported institutions. A student may be classified the same under both designations for his or her entire attendance at the reporting institution, or may be classified differently for geographic origin and for current legal residence. The primary difference between the two designations is that the student's original legal residence (i.e., geographic origin) never changes while in attendance at the same institution, regardless of the passage of time or tuition and fee considerations, while his or her current legal residence can be changed. PART-TIME STUDENT: Undergraduate : A student enrolled for either 11 semester credits or less, or 11 quarter credits or less, or less than 24 contact hours per week.cGraduate: A student enrolled for either 8 semester credits or less, or 8 quarter credits or less. RESIDENCE CENTER: As designated by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. For reporting purposes, a facility of a postsecondary education institution which is organized on a relatively permanent basis (that is, has a continuing administrative presence, where courses are offered every semester and is located in a community different from that of the main campus of the institution).dSTUDENT HEADCOUNT: A simple unduplicated tally of all students for the specified reporting period. STUDENT LEVEL: Refers to the proportion of total requirements a student has obtained, as of the census date, toward the completion of the degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award program in which the student is enrolled. The following categories are mutually exclusive:Undergraduate: A student enrolled in a four-year or five-year bachelor's degree program, in an associate's degree program, or in a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate. uFreshman: (Same as FIRST-YEAR STUDENT) A lower division student who has earned fewer than 30 semester credit hours.Graduate Student: A student who holds a bachelor's or first professional degree, or equivalent, and is taking courses at the postbaccalaureate level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduate programs.First Professional: A student enrolled in a first professional degree program. A student enrolled in an undergraduate preprofessional curriculum or a student in one of the first two years corresponding to the undergraduate freshman or sophomore year of an integrated graduate professional degree program should be classified as a lower division student and not as a first professional student. A student enrolled in any of the following degree programs:Chiropractic (D.C. or D.C.M.)Dentistry (DDS or D.M.D.)Medicine (M.D.)Optometry (OD)Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)Pharmacy (D. Phar.)Podiatry (Pod.D. or DP)Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)Law (L.L.B., JD)"Theology (M. Div. or M.H.L. or BD)Specialist: A student who has received an earned baccalaureate degree, has earned 30 credit hours as a graduate student, and is enrolled in a specialist degree program. Doctoral: A student who has received a master's or specialist degree, or has earned at least 30 semester credit hours in graduate course work and who is enrolled in a doctoral degree program.Unclassified Postbaccalaureate: A student who has been awarded an earned baccalaureate degree and who is enrolled in credit courses at the graduate or other postbaccalaureate level but who cannot be classified into one of the categories above because he or she has not been accepted by the institution for graduate level study. Also Postbaccalaureate Students Not in Graduate Programs.STUDENT LOAD: The number of programs, course of study, and/or activity units (e.g., courses, credits, imputed credits, contact hours, semester credits, semester credit equivalents, etc.) for which a student is enrolled at a particular point in time.STUDENT STATUS: Refers to whether or not a student expects to be awarded a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award as an outcome of his general or specific program, course of study and activity.Degree-seeking: An individual who has been admitted to a general or specific course of study or program at the completion of which a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award is awarded by the institution. Students who have not yet declared a major but have taken and/or are presently enrolled in courses and activities that when successfully completed will be applied to a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award. Students classified as auditing a course would normally be included in this category, although their classification in the non-degree-seeking category might also be appropriate. Due to varying institutional procedures for enrolling students, it is possible that a student could be admitted to a general or specific course of study or program but, because of his or her objectives, be more appropriately considered a non-degree-seeking student. In such cases the institution should develop its own means for reflecting this situation in its data files.Nondegree-seeking: An individual who has been admitted to a general or specific program, course of study, or activity in the institution at the completion of which a degree/diploma/certificate or other formal award is neither awarded by the institution nor sought by the student. These students may be enrolled in credit and/or noncredit courses. They should not be confused with students with undeclared majors admitted to degree programs. Students classified as visiting, provisional, special, etc., would normally be included in this category, although their classification in the degree-seeking category might also be appropriate. Due to varying institutional procedures for enrolling students, it is possible that a student might not be admitted to a general or specific course of study or program, but because of his or her objectives nevertheless before appropriately considered as a degree-seeking student. In such cases the institution should develop its own means for reflecting this situation in its data files.EVISITING COLLEGE STUDENT: A student known to be degree-seeking at one institution but is enrolled for a limited period of time at another institution and is paying tuition and fees at the other institution appropriate for his level and credit hour load. This category of student is defined as a non-degree-seeking student. WITHDRAWAL: A student who has completed the registration procedure and has paid fees (or made an acceptable arrangement for the payment of fees) and has attended classes in which he or she was enrolled but who subsequently withdraws his or her registration before the census date., Undergraduate FTE total semester SCH/15 & Graduate FTE Total semester SCH/129 First professional FTE is defined by the institution. Please add FP FTE in for each line below(FP)Include high school students taking regular college courses for credit. These students should be counted as "Undergraduates" on the DHE 02-4 and DHE 02-4I forms. |Exclude from this report the same universe of students that was excluded from the IPEDS EF1, Fall Enrollment form. That is:dTV COURSES: The enrollment and credit hours for courses offered via open circuit television and ITV#and are to be defined as on-campus.HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: A student who is dually enrolled in high school and college level courses and who has not yet graduated from high school. |CORRESPONDENCE COURSES: The enrollment and credit hours for courses offered via correspondence are defined as off-campus. nInclude students enrolled in TV or ITV courses. Enrollment in these courses should be classified as on-campus.Include students enrolled in correspondence or newspaper courses. Enrollment in these courses should be classified as off-campus.OPlease count the same group of students as on the IPEDS EF, DHE06, and DHE07-1.%Completed by: La Shonda Carter-BooneReporting Period: Fall 2002Telephone: (573) 884-3104<N*Institution: University of ŷbƬ-RollaDate Completed: Oct. 21, 2002 J[hyL]l}$   !j,{3N;;FP X X avh+km1 @ 4]sM5/9  _*+%F&zG?'?(?)?MAcrobat DistillerS oP,,LetterPRIV0''''\KhC"P,,?)\(?U} m} $ } m }  } m } $ } $                                    45566666666 45566666666 45566666666 45566666666 45566666666 45=<6666666 45<<6666666 45<<6666666 45566666666 4 5566666666 P ::++++++++ ; $$ > > %  %6666  ?0 ?0 ) 2 7  7 7 7    *1 *1 * *1 79 7: 7; 7<   3  4  5  6 , ,  ,  , 0 2 $-@--@!-@3 DD&8UUUUU@.DB&8UUUUU@DB& 8UUUUU@.DB 8 1 %.@.-@h@-@. 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