
Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Full-time undergraduate students
Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students

Other degree/ certificate-

Nonresident alien 12  70  82  85 
Black, non-Hispanic 11  137  148  152 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 10  55  65  66 
Hispanic 23  25  25 
White, non-Hispanic 161  1,559  1,720  44  1,764 
Race/ethnicity unknown 145  152  156 
Total men 203  1,992  2,195  56  2,251 
Total men prior year 219           2,253 
Nonresident alien 15  89  104  107 
Black, non-Hispanic 49  364  413  418 
American Indian/Alaska Native 16  17  17 
Asian/Pacific Islander 15  74  89  93 
Hispanic 38  41  41 
White, non-Hispanic 215  2,132  2,347  51  2,398 
Race/ethnicity unknown 15  142  157  161 
Total women 313  2,855  3,168  67  3,235 
Total women prior year 279           3,149 
Total men + women 516 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Part-time undergraduate students
Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students

Other degree/ certificate-

Nonresident alien 24  24  28 
Black, non-Hispanic 10  173  183  43  226 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 58  60  22  82 
Hispanic 24  24  12  36 
White, non-Hispanic 34  1,140  1,174  882  2,056 
Race/ethnicity unknown 121  126  61  187 
Total men 51  1,545  1,596  1,026  2,622 
Total men prior year 49           2,780 
Nonresident alien 19  20  12  32 
Black, non-Hispanic 26  490  516  86  602 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 63  64  40  104 
Hispanic 31  32  15  47 
White, non-Hispanic 35  1,395  1,430  1,700  3,130 
Race/ethnicity unknown 135  138  82  220 
Total women 67  2,138  2,205  1,938  4,143 
Total women prior year 73           4,555 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Graduate students
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien 78  41 
Black, non-Hispanic 10  41 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 22 
White, non-Hispanic 88  522 
Race/ethnicity unknown 24 
Total men 190  656 
Total men prior year 173  610 
Nonresident alien 86  34 
Black, non-Hispanic 43  172 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 12  23 
Hispanic 17 
White, non-Hispanic 185  1,090 
Race/ethnicity unknown 10  53 
Total women 338  1,395 
Total women prior year 270  1,438 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
First-professional students
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien   
Black, non-Hispanic   
American Indian/Alaska Native   
Asian/Pacific Islander   
White, non-Hispanic 53    
Race/ethnicity unknown   
Total men 65    
Total men prior year 72    
Nonresident alien   
Black, non-Hispanic   
American Indian/Alaska Native   
Asian/Pacific Islander 11    
White, non-Hispanic 75    
Race/ethnicity unknown   
Total women 98    
Total women prior year 97    

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
Fall enrollment totals
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Grand total,
all students
Prior year
Nonresident alien 164  69  233  221 
Black, non-Hispanic 164  267  431  477 
American Indian/Alaska Native 11  15 
Asian/Pacific Islander 77  104  181  168 
Hispanic 25  41  66  75 
White, non-Hispanic 1,905  2,578  4,483  4,572 
Race/ethnicity unknown 168  211  379  360 
Total men 2,506  3,278  5,784  5,888 
Nonresident alien 194  66  260  236 
Black, non-Hispanic 468  774  1,242  1,283 
American Indian/Alaska Native 18  14  32  31 
Asian/Pacific Islander 116  127  243  244 
Hispanic 42  64  106  119 
White, non-Hispanic 2,658  4,220  6,878  7,169 
Race/ethnicity unknown 175  273  448  427 
Total women 3,671  5,538  9,209  9,509 
Grand Total 6,177  8,816  14,993 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time undergraduate students
Men Women
Under 18 17  40 
18-19 388  645 
20-21 679  1,132 
22-24 709  834 
25-29 294  286 
30-34 87  137 
35-39 36  66 
40-49 30  78 
50-64 10  17 
65 and over
Age unknown
Total full-time undergraduate students (from part A) 2,251  3,235 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time undergraduate students
Men Women
Under 18 739  1,603 
18-19 161  232 
20-21 135  244 
22-24 479  560 
25-29 456  525 
30-34 248  325 
35-39 158  226 
40-49 185  310 
50-64 52  108 
65 and over
Age unknown
Total part-time undergraduate students (from part A) 2,622  4,143 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time graduate students
Men Women
Under 18      
22-24 49  115 
25-29 67  93 
30-34 35  52 
35-39 18  21 
40-49 13  42 
50-64 14 
65 and over      
Age unknown
Total full-time graduate students (from part A) 190  338 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time graduate students
Men Women
Under 18      
22-24 54  112 
25-29 190  393 
30-34 142  246 
35-39 86  171 
40-49 136  325 
50-64 47  148 
65 and over      
Age unknown
Total part-time graduate students (from part A) 656  1,395 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time first-professional students
Men Women
Under 18      
22-24 30  55 
25-29 31  36 
65 and over      
Age unknown
Total full-time, first-professional students (from part A) 65  98 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time first-professional students
Men Women
Under 18      
65 and over      
Age unknown      
Total part-time, first-professional students (from part A)      

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
Alabama 01      
Alaska 02      
Arizona 04      
Arkansas 05
California 06      
Colorado 08      
Connecticut 09      
Delaware 10      
District of Columbia 11      
Florida 12      
Georgia 13      
Hawaii 15      
Idaho 16      
Illinois 17 23  22 
Indiana 18      
Iowa 19      
Kansas 20
Kentucky 21
Louisiana 22      
Maine 23      

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
Maryland 24      
Massachusetts 25      
Michigan 26
Minnesota 27      
Mississippi 28      
欧美日b大片 29 554  494 
Montana 30
Nebraska 31
Nevada 32
New Hampshire 33      
New Jersey 34      
New Mexico 35      
New York 36      
North Carolina 37      
North Dakota 38
Ohio 39
Oklahoma 40      
Oregon 41      
Pennsylvania 42      
Rhode Island 44      

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
South Carolina 45      
South Dakota 46
Tennessee 47
Texas 48
Utah 49      
Vermont 50      
Virginia 51      
Washington 53      
West Virginia 54      
Wisconsin 55
Wyoming 56      
State Unknown 57      
American Samoa 60      
Federated States
of Micronesia
Guam 66      
Marshall Islands 68      
Northern Marianas 69      
Palau 70      
Puerto Rico 72      
Virgin Islands 78      
Foreign Countries 90 41  28 
Unknown 98   
Total first-time,
first-year students
(FT+PT from part A)
634  559 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part D - 12-month enrollment & instructional activity
Unduplicated count by student level
Total unduplicated count Prior year
Undergraduate level students 16,142  16,888 
Graduate level students 3,817  3,727 
First-professional students 169  173 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part D - 12-month enrollment & instructional activity
Instructional activity
Level of course Total 12-month activity
Contact hour activity for occupational (undergraduate) programs

Credit hour activity for academic programs;
  Undergraduate programs 222,286 
  Graduate programs 33,851 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST LOUIS (178420) User ID: 29a0011
Part E - Additional information
Total entering class - Fall 2001
Number of full-time first-time degree-seeking undergraduates
    (this is your fall cohort reported in Part A)
Total entering students at undergraduate level, Fall 2001 4,247 
Percentage of entering class represented by your GRS cohort 12