
Human Resources 2011-12
Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Overview
  Welcome to the IPEDS Human Resources (HR) survey component. This survey collects important information about your institution's staff.  
  Data Reporting Reminders  
  You must enter data on each displayed screen. If a screen is not applicable, you must enter at least one zero in a field on the screen.  
To download the survey materials for this component:
  To access your prior year data submission for this component:  

If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Does your institution have any part-time staff?
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be provided the screens to report part-time staff.
                                             Yes No
Does your institution have 15 or more full-time staff?
                                             Yes No
Do ALL of the instructional staff at your institution fall into any of the following categories?
If you answer Yes to any of the questions below, Part G is NOT applicable to your institution and you will NOT be required to report data for Part G.
  No Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff military personnel?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff contribute their services (e.g., members of a religious order)?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff teach pre-clinical or clinical medicine?
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Did your institution hire any full-time permanent staff who were included on the payroll of the institution between July 1 and October 31, 2011 either for the first time or after a break in service AND who were still on the payroll of the institution As of November 1, 2011? (Exclude persons who have returned from sabbatical leave OR full-time staff who are working less-than-9-month contracts/teaching periods and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service.)
If you answer Yes to this question and your institution has 15 or more full-time staff, you will be provided the screens to report full-time permanent new hires in the Fall Staff section (long version).
                                             Yes No

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Employees by Assigned Position - Full-time staff
Number of full-time staff by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity
As of November 1, 2011
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          343
Instruction/research/public service          1
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  206  76  62  0  344
Primarily research          33
Primarily public service          0
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  208  78  91  0  377
Executive/administrative/managerial          134
Other professionals (support/service)          194
Technical and paraprofessionals      66
Clerical and secretarial      238
Skilled crafts      67
Service/Maintenance      101
Total full time  216  78  91  792  1,177
Total from prior year 214 72 90 772 1,148

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Employees by Assigned Position - Part-time staff
Number of part-time staff by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity
As of November 1, 2011
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status Without
Total Graduate assistants
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          91  
Instruction/research/public service          0  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  0  0  91  0  91  326
Primarily research          23  
Primarily public service          0  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  0  0  114  0  114  637
Executive/administrative/managerial          5  
Other professionals (support/service)          14  
Technical and paraprofessionals      14  
Clerical and secretarial      13  
Skilled crafts      3  
Service/Maintenance      64  
Total part time  0  0  114  113  227  637
Total from prior year     107 126 233 620

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Employees by Assigned Position - Total number of staff
Total number of staff by employment status and primary function/occupational activity

As of November 1, 2011
Primary function/occupational activity Full-time Full-time
from prior year
Part-time Part-time
from prior year
Graduate assistants Graduate assistants
from prior year
Total including Graduate assistants
Primarily instruction  343  329  91  77  307  277  741
Instruction/research/public service  1  4  0    19  33  20
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  344  333  91  77  326  310  761
Primarily research  33  34  23  30  310  310  366
Primarily public service  0  1  0    1    1
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  377  368  114  107  637  620  1,128
Executive/administrative/managerial  134  127  5  3  0    139
Other professionals (support/service)  194  172  14  24  0    208
Technical and paraprofessionals  66  73  14  16  0    80
Clerical and secretarial  238  245  13  18  0    251
Skilled crafts  67  64  3  2  0    70
Service/Maintenance  101  99  64  63  0    165
Grand total  1,177  1,148  227  233  637  620  2,041

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period - Headcount
Number of full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period, gender, and academic rank

As of November 1, 2011
Gender and academic rank
Professors        107
Associate professors        84
Assistant professors        60
Instructors        0
Lecturers        7
No academic rank        8
Total men  3  240  23  266
Total men from prior year    235  23  
Professors        12
Associate professors        19
Assistant professors        36
Instructors        1
Lecturers        9
No academic rank        1
Total women  2  68  8  78
Total women from prior year    63  8  
Total (men + women)  5  308  31  344
Total from prior year (Salaries section)  4  298  31  333

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status
****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions and above only   ****

Number of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank
As of November 1, 2011

Gender and academic rank
Faculty status
Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)


On tenure track
Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Professors          95
Associate Professors          82
Assistant Professors          59
Instructors          0
Lecturers          4
No academic rank          0
Total men  169  54  17  0  240
Total men prior year  165  48  22  0  235
Professors          10
Associate Professors          17
Assistant Professors          35
Instructors          0
Lecturers          6
No academic rank          0
Total women  24  22  22  0  68
Total women prior year  22  23  18  0  63
Total (men + women)  193  76  39  0  308

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status
****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions and above only   ****

Number of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank
As of November 1, 2011

Gender and academic rank
Faculty status
Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)


On tenure track
Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Professors          10
Associate Professors          1
Assistant Professors          1
Instructors          0
Lecturers          3
No academic rank          8
Total men  10  0  13  0  23
Total men prior year  11  0  12  0  23
Professors          2
Associate Professors          2
Assistant Professors          1
Instructors          1
Lecturers          1
No academic rank          1
Total women  3  0  5  0  8
Total women prior year  3  0  5  0  8
Total (men + women)  13  0  18  0  31

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank

As of November 1, 2011
Gender and academic rank Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)
Salary outlays
Average salary
Prior year
Average salary
Professors  95    115,955  110,975
Associate professors  82    81,001  79,783
Assistant professors  59    71,841  71,647
Instructors  0      51,150
Lecturers  4    41,312  38,771
No academic rank  0      
Total men  240  22,061,693  91,924  88,563
Professors  10    108,452  106,132
Associate professors  17    72,451  74,915
Assistant professors  35    66,736  68,407
Instructors  0      55,130
Lecturers  6    44,344  38,054
No academic rank  0      38,345
Total women  68  4,918,009  72,324  70,955
Total (men + women)  308  26,979,702  87,596  84,841

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank

As of November 1, 2011
Gender and academic rank Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)
Salary outlays Average salary Prior year
Average salary
Professors  10    134,127  134,547
Associate professors  1    63,450  
Assistant professors  1    56,100  52,167
Instructors  0      59,800
Lecturers  3    44,433  33,324
No academic rank  8    59,167  48,880
Total men  23  2,067,458  89,889  89,402
Professors  2    128,266  101,273
Associate professors  2    74,582  73,047
Assistant professors  1    45,780  45,780
Instructors  1    55,177  53,597
Lecturers  1    20,000  
No academic rank  1    38,000  48,000
Total women  8  564,653  70,582  74,661
Total (men + women)  31  2,632,111  84,907  85,598

Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Tenured
Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Tenured and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity

As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              7
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              39
    Black or African American              3
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              124
    Two or more races              3
    Race and ethnicity unknown              1
    Total men  105  75  0  0  0  0  180
    Nonresident alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              4
    Black or African American              1
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              21
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  13  15  0  0  0  0  28
    Total (men+women)  118  90  0  0  0  0  208
    Total from EAP    208

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - On tenure track
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are On tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              20
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              11
    Black or African American              0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              21
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  0  4  51  0  0  0  55
    Nonresident alien              6
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              3
    Black or African American              0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              13
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  23  0  0  0  23
    Total (men+women)  0  4  74  0  0  0  78
    Total from EAP    78

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Not on tenure track/no tenure system
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Not on tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service OR number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service and who work at an institution with No tenure system by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              24
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              5
    Black or African American              0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              29
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  3  8  15  0  7  25  58
    Nonresident alien              6
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              3
    Black or African American              0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              24
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  0  5  14  1  9  4  33
    Total (men+women)  3  13  29  1  16  29  91
    Total from EAP    91

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Without faculty status
    Number of full-time staff Without faculty status whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Total
    Nonresident alien  
    American Indian or Alaska Native  
    Black or African American  
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total men  0
    Nonresident alien  
    American Indian or Alaska Native  
    Black or African American  
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total women  0
    Total (men+women)  0
    Total from EAP  0

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  51  14  65
    Hispanic/Latino  6  1  7
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0  0  0
    Asian  55  10  65
    Black or African American  3  1  4
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  174  58  232
    Two or more races  3  0  3
    Race and ethnicity unknown  1  0  1
    Total  293  84  377

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time staff (excluding instruction/research/public service staff) - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (excluding instruction/research/public service staff)

    As of November 1, 2011


    Gender and race/ethnicity Executive/ administrative/ managerial Other professionals (support/service)
    Technical and paraprofessionals
    Clerical and secretarial
    Skilled crafts

    Service/ Maintenance
    Nonresident alien              4
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or Alaska Native              4
    Asian              5
    Black or African American              19
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              310
    Two or more races              3
    Race and ethnicity unknown              1
    Total men  71  94  47  8  67  62  349
    Nonresident alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              5
    American Indian or Alaska Native              6
    Asian              7
    Black or African American              9
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              422
    Two or more races              1
    Race and ethnicity unknown              1
    Total women  63  100  19  230  0  39  451
    Total (men+women)  134  194  66  238  67  101  800
    Total from EAP  134  194  66  238  67  101  800

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity
    Staff whose primary
    responsibility is
    instruction, research,
    and/or public service


    Other professionals
    Nonresident alien      
    American Indian or Alaska Native      
    Black or African American      
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total men  79  5  7
    Nonresident alien      
    American Indian or Alaska Native      
    Black or African American      
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total women  35  0  7
    Total (men+women)  114  5  14
    Total from EAP  114  5  14

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time non-professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Technical and
    Clerical and

    Skilled crafts
    Nonresident alien        
    American Indian or Alaska Native        
    Black or African American        
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total men  5  4  3  43
    Nonresident alien        
    American Indian or Alaska Native        
    Black or African American        
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total women  9  9  0  21
    Total (men+women)  14  13  3  64
    Total from EAP  14  13  3  64

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Graduate assistants and part-time grand total
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity
    (includes Part-time
    Professionals and
    Part-time Non-professionals)
    Graduate assistants
    Part-time grand total
    (includes graduate assistants)
    Nonresident alien  17    327
    Hispanic/Latino  3    7
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0    0
    Asian  5    14
    Black or African American  3    13
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0    1
    White  116    274
    Two or more races  0    1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  2    4
    Total men  146  495  641
    Nonresident alien  3    108
    Hispanic/Latino  1    1
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0    0
    Asian  5    6
    Black or African American  1    1
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0    0
    White  71    106
    Two or more races  0    0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0    1
    Total women  81  142  223
    Total (men+women)  227  637  864
    Total from EAP  227  637  864

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part K - Fall Staff - Total number of staff
    Total number of staff by employment status, gender, and race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2011
    Gender and race/ethnicity Full-time men Full-time women Part-time men Part-time women Total men Total women
    Nonresident alien  55  14  327  108  382  122
    Hispanic/Latino  9  6  7  1  16  7
    American Indian or Alaska Native  4  6  0  0  4  6
    Asian  60  17  14  6  74  23
    Black or African American  22  10  13  1  35  11
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0  0  1  0  1  0
    White  484  480  274  106  758  586
    Two or more races  6  1  1  0  7  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  2  1  4  1  6  2
    Grand total  642  535  641  223  1,283  758

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Faculty status
    Number of full-time permanent new hires whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by faculty status, gender, and race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2011 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2011)
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Faculty status



    On tenure track
    Not on tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Nonresident alien          10
    Hispanic/Latino          0
    American Indian or Alaska Native          0
    Asian          2
    Black or African American          0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander          0
    White          7
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity unknown          0
    Total men  1  7  11  0  19
    Nonresident alien          2
    Hispanic/Latino          0
    American Indian or Alaska Native          0
    Asian          1
    Black or African American          0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander          0
    White          6
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity unknown          0
    Total women  0  4  5  0  9
    Total (men+women)  1  11  16  0  28

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time staff by position
    Number of full-time permanent new hires by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2011 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2011)
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Executive/




    Nonresident alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African American              1
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              17
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  2  9  3  1  3  0  18
    Nonresident alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African American              0
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              19
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              1
    Total women  1  5  3  11  0  0  20
    Total (men+women)  3  14  6  12  3  0  38

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Totals
    Total number of full-time permanent new hires by gender and race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2011 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2011)


      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  10  2  12
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0  0  0
    Asian  2  1  3
    Black or African American  1  0  1
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  24  25  49
    Two or more races  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  1  1
    Grand total  37  29  66

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Human Resources Survey Evaluation
    Were any staff members difficult to categorize? If so, please explain in the box below.

    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411) User ID: 29C0011
    Human Resources Component Summary
    (Applicable to Degree-granting institutions and Related Administrative Offices)

    IPEDS collects important information regarding your institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become available in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the reported data appears specifically for your institution through the College Navigator website and is included in your institution抯 Data Feedback Report (DFR). The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to view some of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control process, will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. College Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data collection period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through the ExPT and sent to your institution抯 CEO in November 2012.

    Please review your data for accuracy. If you have questions about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported on the survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: 1-877-225-2568 or ipedshelp@rti.org.

    Number of staff by employment status and primary function/occupational activity:
    Fall 2011
    Primary function/occupational activity Reported values FTE staff
      Number of
    full-time staff
    Number of
    part-time staff
    Total number of staff 1,177 227 1,253
    Professional staff 705 133 749
    Staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service 377 114 415
    Primary instruction 343 91 373
    Instruction/research/public service 1 0 1
    Primarily research 33 23 41
    Primarily public service 0 0 0
    Executive/administrative/managerial 134 5 136
    Other professionals (support/service) 194 14 199
    Non-professional staff 472 94 503
    Technical and paraprofessional 66 14 71
    Clerical/secretarial 238 13 242
    Skilled crafts 67 3 68
    Service/Maintenance 101 64 122
    NOTE: Full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff is calculated by summing the total number of full-time staff from the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) section of the IPEDS HR component and adding one-third of the total number of part-time staff from the EAP section. Graduate assistants are not included in the above figures. Many of the FTE figures are included in the DFR.

    Salaries of full-time instructional staff by contract length and academic rank:
    Academic year 2011-12
    Academic rank Reported values Equated 9-month
      Full-time instructional
    staff on
    9/10-month contracts
    Full-time instructional
    staff on
    11/12-month contracts
      Number of staff Salary outlays Number of staff Salary outlays Number of staff Average salaries
    All Ranks 308 $26,979,702 31 $2,632,111 339 $85,939
    Professor 105 $12,100,295 12 $1,597,803 117 $114,595
    Associate professor 99 $7,873,734 3 $212,614 102 $78,899
    Assistant professor 94 $6,574,359 2 $101,880 96 $69,351
    Instructor 1 $55,177 1 $45,146
    Lecturer 10 $431,314 4 $153,300 14 $39,767
    No academic rank 9 $511,337 9 $46,486
    NOTE: The above data are based on the Salaries section of the IPEDS HR component. The number of equated 9-month full-time instructional staff is the sum of staff on 9/10-month and 11/12-month contracts. The equated 9-month average salaries of full-time instructional staff (by rank) are calculated by multiplying the salary outlays (by rank) for staff on 11/12-month contracts by 0.8182 then adding the salary outlays (by rank) for staff on 9/10-month contracts. The resulting sum is then divided by the number of equated 9-month full-time instructional staff (by rank) to determine an average salary for each rank. Salaries of full-time instructional staff on less-than-9-month contracts are not collected. Also, salaries of medical school staff are not collected. The equated 9-month average salaries are included in the DFR.

    Institution:  欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411) User ID:  29C0011
    Edit Report
     Human Resources
    Institution: 欧美日b大片 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    Source Description Severity Resolved Options
    Global Edits
    Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for full-time primarily public service entered, 0, has an expected range of between 1 and 30. Please explain this difference. (Error #1511) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There are no full-time primarily public service to report. Last year there was only one.
    Related Screens: Totals
    Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for part-time other professionals (support/service) entered, 14, has an expected range of between 17 and 31. Please explain this difference. (Error #1518) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There were slight reductions in part-time support staff in various departments.
    Related Screens: Totals
    Screen: Salaries 9/10 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 9/10-month contracts, 0, is not within the expected range of between 40,920 and 61,380 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1766) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There are no men Instructors to report. Last year there was only one.
    Related Screens: Salaries 9/10 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 9/10-month contracts, 0, is not within the expected range of between 44,104 and 66,156 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1766) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There are no women Instructors to report. Last year there was only four.
    Related Screens: Salaries 9/10 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 9/10-month contracts, 0, is not within the expected range of between 30,676 and 46,014 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1766) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There are no women to report. Last year there was only one.
    Related Screens: Salaries 9/10 mo
    Screen: Salaries 11/12 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 0, is not within the expected range of between 47,840 and 71,760 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1767) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: There are no men Instructors to report. Last year there was only one.
    Related Screens: Salaries 11/12 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 44,433, is not within the expected range of between 26,660 and 39,988 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1767) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: Increase in average is due to a gain of 1 higher paid men Lecturers over the year.
    Related Screens: Salaries 11/12 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 59,167, is not within the expected range of between 39,104 and 58,656 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1767) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: Increase in average is due to a gain of 2 higher paid men over the year.
    Related Screens: Salaries 11/12 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 128,266, is not within the expected range of between 81,019 and 121,527 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1767) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: Increase in average is due to a loss of 1 lower paid women Professor over the year.
    Related Screens: Salaries 11/12 mo
    Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 38,000, is not within the expected range of between 38,400 and 57,600 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. (Error #1767) Explanation Yes Back to survey data
    Reason: This is a different person from a different department than what was reported last year.
    Related Screens: Salaries 11/12 mo