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(  (  `ZcSheet12Sheet29Sheet3" 0MISSOURI COORDINATING BOARD FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Completed by: Institution:Reporting Period: Telephone:STUDENT FINANCIAL AID AWARDED6Section A: Financial Aid Awarded from Federal SourcesGraduate StudentsTotalUndergraduate Students$ AmountHCT(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F) Type of AidLineSEOGPerkinsCWS Pell Grants!Subsidized Stafford Student Loans#Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loans PLUS LoansDirect Subsidized Student Loans!Direct Unsubsidized Student LoansDirect PLUS Student Loans SLS LoansHPLHEAL Nursing LoansOtherInstitutional Matching Funds<Section B: Financial Aid Awarded from Institutional Sources%Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants Need Merit Athletic' Tuition and Fee Remissions or Waivers OtherLoans: Non-need Employment:@Section C: Financial Aid Awarded from State of ŷbƬ SourcesStudent Grants&Higher Education Academic Scholarships!Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships Employee's Child Survivor Grants#Marguerite Ross Barnett ScholarshipTeacher Education ScholarshipsRobert Byrd ScholarshipsVocational Rehabilitation,Professional/Practical Nursing Student Loans,Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and LoansSection E: SummaryBUnduplicated number of students receiving need-based financial aid6and total need-based dollars received from all sourcesHUnduplicated number of students receiving need-based and non-need-based 9financial aid and total dollars received from all sources(10)(20)(30)(40)(50)(60)(70)(80)(90)(72)(74)(76)(100)(110)(120)(130)(140)(150)(160)(170)(180)(190)(200)(210)(220)(230)(240)(250)(260)(261)(270)(280)(281)(290)(300)(310)(320)(330)(340)0 Non-state of ŷbƬ, and Non-Federal SourcesDSection D: All Other Financial Aid Awarded from Non-Institutional, DHE14-1Date Completed:Advantage ŷbƬ(241)ŷbƬ College Guarantee(242)A-Plus(243)INSTRUCTIONS AND DEFINITIONS!FOR STUDENT FINANCIAL AID AWARDEDDHE 14-1Complete all institutional identification items at the top of the form, including the name of the institution and the reporting period for which the form is being submitted. Also provide the name and telephone number of the person who is responsible for completing this form.Financial aid data are to be reported annually in the fall for the previous fiscal year. Financial aid data reported this fall will reflect the reporting period of July 1 last year through June 30 this year for enrolled students only.Line 140: Based on Need. Funds awarded to a student on the basis of his or her demonstrated financial need for the purpose or meeting postsecondary education expenses. Line 150: Based on Merit. Funds awarded to a student on the basis of academic performance, talent, co-curricular or extracurricular activities. Do not include athletic awards. GLine 160: Athletic. Funds awarded on the basis of athletic ability. =Line 170: Tuition and Fee Remissions or Waivers. Amount of tuition and fee remissions and waivers made to students, faculty, and/or other institutional staff and staff dependents for reasons other than demonstrated financial need, academic performance, talent, co-curricular or extracurricular activities or athletic ability. Remissions and waivers can be based on many student characteristics including: geographic origin, familial relationship to alumni or employees, ŷbƬ state taxes paid, and employment by the institution (including graduate assistantships). Line 180: Other. Include funds that are not awarded on the basis of need, merit, or athletic ability not included in lines 140 through 160. Line 190: Based on Need. Funds are awarded to a student on the basis of his or her demonstrated financial need for the purpose of meeting postsecondary education expenses. ~Line 200: Non-need Based. Funds awarded to a student on the basis of other than the student's demonstrated financial need. Line 210: Based on Need: Institutionally-funded employment awarded to a student on the basis of his or her demonstrated financial need for the purpose or meeting postsecondary education expenses. Line 220: Non-need Based: Institutionally funded employment awarded to a student on the basis of other than the student's demonstrated financial need. \Line 230: Charles Gallagher Student Financial Assistance Program, formerly the ŷbƬ Student Grant Program. Include all grants awarded under the student grant program regulations. This information may be obtained from the final grant payment summary mailed to all institutions in August by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff.  rLine 240: ŷbƬ Higher Education Academic Scholarship Program. Include all scholarships awarded under the academic scholarship program regulations. This program is also known as "Bright Flight." This information may be obtained from the final scholarship payment summary mailed to all institutions in August by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff. Line 241: Advantage ŷbƬ Program. Include all loan funds awarded under the Advantage ŷbƬ Program regulations. This information may be obtained from the final scholarship payment summary mailed to all institutions in August by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff.1Line 242: ŷbƬ College Guarantee Program. Include all scholarships awarded under the ŷbƬ College Guarantee Program regulations. This information may be obtained from the final scholarship payment summary mailed to all institutions in August by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff.Line 243: A-Plus. Include all scholarships awarded under the A-Plus Program regulations administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.YLine 250: Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program. This program is no longer funded. Line 260: Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program. Include all grants awarded under the survivor grant program regulations administered by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff. OLine 261: Marguerite Ross Barnett Scholarship Program. Include all scholarships awarded under the Marguerite Ross Barnett Memorial Scholarship Program regulations. This information may be obtained from the final scholarship payment summary mailed to all institutions in August by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education staff. Line 270: ŷbƬ Teacher Education Scholarship Program. Include all scholarships awarded under the teacher education scholarship program regulations administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Also include in the totals all institutional matching funds. Line 280: Robert Byrd Honors Scholarship Program. Include all scholarships awarded under the Byrd Scholarship Program regulations administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Line 281: ŷbƬ Vocational Rehabilitation. Include all funds awarded under the ŷbƬ Vocational Rehabilitation Program regulations administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Line 300: Other. Include all other grants, scholarships, and loans awarded from state of ŷbƬ sources not included in lines 230-290 above. _Line 310: Institutional Matching Funds. Of the total dollars awarded under the above state program listed on line 270, include the total amount of institutional dollars expended to meet the state matching requirement for the state program. Do not include any dollar amounts reported in Section B, Financial Aid Awarded from Institutional Sources. SECTION E: SUMMARY GLOSSARY OF TERMS THAT MAY BE "USEFUL WHEN COMPLETING THIS SURVEYCOLLEGE WORK STUDY PROGRAM: (Higher Education ACT of 1965, as amended, Title IV, Part C, Public Laws 89-329, 92-318, et al; 42 USC 2751-2756b.) A federal program designed to stimulate and promote the part-time employment of students with demonstrated financial need in eligible institutions of < higher education who need earnings from employment to finance their course of study. This program provides grants to institutions for partial reimbursement of wages paid to students.FAMILY INCOME: The adjusted gross annual income (as defined by the Internal Revenue Code) for a dependent student's parents except where the student is classified as  independent, according to established federal financial aid regulations. GRADUATE STUDENT: A student who holds a bachelor's or first professional degree, or equivalent, and is taking courses at the postbaccalaureate level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduate programs.GRANT: As related to student financial aid, a sum of money permanently bestowed for a particular purpose and not requiring repayment or service/work. Contrast with loan. Included as special kinds of grants are scholarships and fellowships. HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN (HEAL): Federally insured loans to students attending eligible health profession schools. Sect. 730 of the Public Health Service Act requires HEAL schools to maintain records on student loans granted under this program.LOAN: As relates to student financial aid, a sum of money temporarily bestowed and requiring repayment, usually with interest. Contrast with grant. Excluded are short-term loans (those that are to be repaid within a year). :NEED-BASED EDUCATIONAL LOAN: See NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AIDNEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID: Funds awarded to a student on the basis of his or her demonstrated financial need for the purpose of meeting postsecondary education expenses. Categories of need-based financial aid are:ZNeed-based Grant or Scholarship: Aid that has no requirement for repayment or employment.Need-based Educational Loan: Aid that requires dollar repayment and/or provides for full or partial loan forgiveness under specific conditions, e.g., for service in a specific career or for medical reasons. @NEED-BASED GRANTS OR SCHOLARSHIPS: See NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AIDNON-NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID: Funds awarded in recognition of a student's special abilities, talents, interests or participation in certain programs without regard to financial need. However, non-need-based awards, prizes, or other assistance may be used for or applied toward meeting or reducing a student's calculated financial need. Scholarships and fellowships are frequently used terms for non-need-based financial aid.JPELL GRANTS: (Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, as Amended.) A source of federal student financial aid that provides eligible undergraduate students with need-based grants to help them defray the cost of postsecondary education. (Note: Grant limitations are subject to change with revised legislation.)vPERKINS LOAN PROGRAM: Formerly National Direct Student Loans. (Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV, Part E, as amended, Public Laws 89-329, 92-318, et al; 20 USC 1087AA-1087HH.) Provides low interest federal loans to eligible postsecondary students (undergraduate, graduate, or professional students) with demonstrated financial need to help meet educational expenses.SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS: Expenditures given in the form of outright grants and trainee stipends to individuals enrolled in formal course work, either for credit or noncredit. See CUBA 412-413. TSTAFFORD LOANS: (Formerly Guaranteed Student Loans) (Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV-B, as amended, Public Law 89-329; 20 USC 1071.) Provides student loans, either subsidized or unsubsidized, for educational expenses from eligible lenders to vocational, undergraduate, and graduate students at eligible postsecondary institutions.ZSTUDENT EMPLOYMENT: Monies given to students for rendering services to the institution. cSTUDENT HEADCOUNT: A simple unduplicated tally of all students for the specified reporting period.SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANTS (SEOG): (Public Law 92-318, as amended, Public Law 94-482, Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV; Subpart A -2; 20 U.S. Code, sect. 1070b-1976.) Federal grants that provide financial assistance to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to enable them to attend college. The grants are made directly to institutions of higher education, which select students for the awards. (Note: Grant limitations are subject to change with revised legislation.)UNDERGRADUATE: A student enrolled in a four-year or five-year bachelor's degree program, in an associate's degree program, or in a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate.UNMET FINANCIAL NEED: The amount determined by subtracting the amount of financial aid awarded from the calculated financial need.&VETERANS ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION BENEFITS (VA): Those benefits that are paid for student assistance at approved postsecondary education institutions for three types of beneficiaries: surviving wives and children, discharged veterans, and active armed service employees in special programs. WORK-STUDY: Monies made available to students as payment for services rendered as required by the institution for financial assistance. I. INSTITUTIONAL IDENTIFICATIONII. REPORTING PERIODIII. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS>SECTION A: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID AWARDED FROM FEDERAL SOURCES1. This form requests the headcount and dollar amount of student financial aid awarded by level of student and by type of aid. Graduate students (columns C and D) include first professional students. A graduate student is one who holds a bachelor's or first professional degree, or equivalent, and is taking courses at the postbaccalaureate level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduate programs. 2. Lines 10 through 30: Campus-based Programs. All information on these lines can be taken directly from the federal Fiscal Operations Report for the award year ending on the previous June 30th. Include in the totals all institutional matching funds for these programs.3. Line 40: Pell Grants. This information can come directly from the most recent Institutional Payment Summary for the most recent award year ending the previous June 30.4. Line 50: Subsidized Stafford Student Loans (SSL). Include all loans that are certified under SSL regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts.5. Line 60: Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loans. Include all loans that are certified under unsubsidized regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts.6. Line 70: PLUS Loans. Include all loans that are certified under PLUS regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 7. Line 72: Direct Subsidized Student Loans. Include all loans that are certified under the Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan Program regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 8. Line 74: Direct Unsubsidized Student Loans. Include all loans that are certified under the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan Program regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 9. Line 76: Direct PLUS Student Loans. Include all loans that are certified under the Federal Direct PLUS Student Loan Program regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. &10. Line 80: SLS Loans. The SLS program was eliminated by the 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA); therefore, institutions should not report any loan data on this line. The columns have been blanked out so that data cannot be reported. <2 All institutions should skip this line. '11. Line 90: Health Profession Loans (HPL). Include all loans that are certified under HPL regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Also include in the totals all institutional matching funds. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 12. Line 100: Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL). Include all loans that are certified under HEAL regulations. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts.13. Line 110: Nursing Loans. Include all loans that have been disbursed under nursing loan regulations. Also include in the totals all institutional matching funds. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 14. Line 120: Other. Include all other grants, scholarships, and loans from federal sources not included in lines 10-110 above. Do not include veteran's benefits. 15. Line 130: Institutional Matching Funds. Of the total dollars awarded under the above federal programs listed on lines 10, 20, 30, 90, and 110, include the total amount of institutional dollars expended to meet the federal matching requirements for the federal programs. Do not include any dollar amount reported in Section B, Financial Aid Awarded from Institutional Sources. <SECTION B: FINANCIAL AID AWARDED FROM INSTITUTIONAL SOURCESF17. Lines 140 through 180: Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants. This section collects information about gift aid based on varying criteria. Classify these awards in terms of the basis on which the award was originally given. An award can be reported only once. An institution must determine that appropriate category. 18. Lines 190 and 200: Loans. Include need and non-need based loans from institutional sources. Do not include short-term loans on lines 190 or 200. A short-term loan is any institutional loan that the student must repay before graduation or leaving school. n19. Lines 210 and 220: Employment. Include need and non-need based employment from institutional sources. @SECTION C: FINANCIAL AID AWARDED FROM STATE OF MISSOURI SOURCES20. Lines 230 through 300: ŷbƬ Grants, Scholarships, and Loans. This section collects information about financial aid awarded from programs administered by the state of ŷbƬ based on varying criteria. qSECTION D: ALL OTHER FINANCIAL AID AWARDED FROM NON-INSTITUTIONAL, NON-STATE OF MISSOURI, OR NON-FEDERAL SOURCES6Line 290: Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program. Include all loans that are certified under ŷbƬ's nursing loan program administered by the Department of Health. Include all loans for the amount certified for which funds have been disbursed. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts.on lines 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 72, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 190, 210, 230, 241, 242, 261, and 290. For each unduplicated headcount BE SURE TO COUNT EACH STUDENT ONLY ONCE. Unduplicated headcount will not equal the sum of lines indicated above.21. Line 320: Non-institutional/Non-state of ŷbƬ/Non-federal Sources. Report here information about what traditionally has been considered "outside" awards. Included here are financial aid awards from all private organizations and from states other than ŷbƬ. 22. Line 321: Alternative Loan Programs. Include all loans disbursed under any alternative loan programs. Do not include non-disbursed loan amounts. 23. Line 330: Unduplicated number of students receiving need-based financial aid. Report the unduplicated count of students receiving NEED-BASED AID and the total need-based dollars received by these students. The unduplicated count should include students and dollars reported24. Line 340: Unduplicated number of students receiving need-based and non-need based financial aid. Report the unduplicated count of students receiving NEED-BASED AND NON-NEED BASED AID, and the total dollars received by these students. vPlease note: Dollar amounts in line 340, columns B, D, and F will equal the sum of the dollar amount reported on lines 10 through 120, 140 through 220, 230 through 300, 320, and 321. For an unduplicated headcount BE SURE TO COUNT EACH STUDENT ONLY ONCE. Include only students and dollars reported in lines 10 through 120, 140 through 180, 190 through 300, 320, and 321. l s6For each column line 340 (unduplicated count of students receiving financial aid) is based on students reported in lines 10 through 120, 140 through 180, 190 through 300, 320, and 321, regardless of need. For dollar amounts, line 340 is the sum of lines 10 through 120, 140 through 180, and 300 through 321. 0 3Alternative Loan Programs(321)Michael Passer"University of ŷbƬ-Kansas CityFY 2004(816) 235-1240 6e|0G-Ne #<S^u`#w*17K?>DLT\\Z+ bcc  0hNwxr,H`  dMbP?_*+%I&HzG?'?(?)?MLexmark Optra E312 PSS oO,,LetterPRIV0''''\K\K2M "O,,?(\?U} m4} } I}  } }  } }  } $  ,[          gYZZZZZZZ       h e~ f@      d  Q R S  T U Q S Q WV * 0 + 0 , , 3 ) - 1 . 1 / ( 4 1> #P~@$@A %&% #P~@D D % $@AD D  4 1?@ 7Ay@ )A@LL IBALL 4 1@`t@ z/A;@ @v@ f0A 4 1A@ 9 !"@ SA 4 1B~ @ GlA~ Ƣ@ fff*#iqA@ = vA 4 1C~ @ fA~ x@ {_|AI@ Q_ڃA 4 1DM@ @  M@ ףp gA 4 1G    4 1H    4 1I    4 1E  E   4 1F:@ p@`@ j'@@c@ ڀ1A 4 1J    4! 1K    4" 1LU@ }T@ d@ ף02A 4# 1M!: AG$D DD[D!0 $o@DD[D!Q IAHI 5$2    4%2   Dl&&&<<<<<`bp|~||||l||||& !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 4& 1N @ ?@S@ ;q  @  $ LL  HzTg0A!  !4' !1O~ !Ș@! R|RVA!@ 3RYn!@  ! G0cA"  "4( "1P"l@ ]"D@ 3u"p@! 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