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WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Parties entered into a NAME OF DOCUMENT dated MONTH DD, YYYY (as subsequently amended, if applicable, Agreement), wherein Lessor leases to Lessee the NAME OF BUILDING located at ADDRESS, COUNTY NAME County, STATE as outlined in the Agreement, which stated an initial term of MONTH DD, YYYY through MONTH DD, YYYY with up to NUMBER OF RENEWALS, DURATION OF EACH RENEWAL-year extensions or renewals; and WHEREAS, the Parties have previously extended and/or amended the Agreement with Extension dated MONTH DD, YYYY, to extend the term through MONTH, DD, YYYY, Amendment No. ## dated MONTH DD, YYYY, to SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to evidence the extension of the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and benefits herein set forth and conferred and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the Parties agree as follows: Extension: The University gives notice that it is exercising its rights to extend the term in accordance with the Agreement from MONTH DD, YYYY [previous expiration date] through MONTH, DD, YYYY [new expiration date]. In the event the agreement or consent of the other party is required to so extend the term under the Agreement, said other party has signed below. Miscellaneous. During the term of this Extension, all provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. This Extension shall be manually signed but may be delivered by facsimile or other electronic transmission, which shall constitute an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been duly signed and delivered by each Party effective as of the date first above written. ŷbƬPARTY NAMEBy:By:Name TitleName TitleDATEDATE     UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI LEASE AGREEMENT Extension to Lease Agreement LE- PAGE 1 V111115   $-09R`  ͼp_N hV.hlMB*CJ\aJph h5?hlMB*CJ\aJph hhlMB*CJ\aJphhlMB*CJ\aJph hlMhlMB*CJ\aJphh9)B*CJ\aJphhlMB*CJ\aJph hh+B*CJ\aJphhh fW5B*\phhal5B*\phhalhal5B*\phh9)5B*\phe f r s   f S T R S $ & F7$8$H$a$gdlM$h7$8$H$^h`a$gdlM$ & F7$8$H$a$gd9)$h7$8$H$^h`a$gd9t $7$8$H$a$gd9t $7$8$H$a$gd+    ! ' ( ) * 0 1 2 f Ϳ~~pbTCTbT~ hV.hV.B*CJ\aJphhV.B*CJ\aJphhalB*CJ\aJphhalB*CJ\aJph hh+B*CJ\aJph hhlMB*CJ\aJphhlMB*CJ\aJph hlMhlMB*CJ\aJphhlMB*CJ\aJph hV.hlMB*CJ\aJph hV.hlMB*CJ\aJph hV.hV.B*CJ\aJph   ( 3 4 ; = H O P Q V W X j    бЏsgsgYh9)B*CJ\aJphhalhalCJ\aJhalB*CJ\aJphhlMB*CJ\aJph hh+B*CJ\aJph hhB*CJ\aJph hhl+B*CJ\aJphhB*CJ\aJph hhB*CJ\aJphhB*CJ\aJph hh? 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