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Meeting Center



Charter for Health Affairs Committee

The Health Affairs Committee (“Committee”) assists the Board of Curators in overseeing the clinical health care operations of the University and in coordinating those operations in furtherance of the University’s teaching, research, and clinical missions.

I. Scope

The Committee provides oversight for the University’s clinical health care operations in the areas of:

  • Mission, vision, and strategy;
  • Governance and operational oversight;
  • Quality of care and patient safety;
  • Regulatory compliance;
  • Financial planning and performance;
  • Coordination of the clinical, teaching, and research missions; and
  • Specific projects that enable meaningful collaboration among UM universities.

II. Executive Liaison

The Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs of the University of ŷbƬ-Columbia or some other person(s) designated by the President of the University, with the concurrence of the Board Chair and the Committee Chair, shall be the executive liaison to the Committee and responsible for transmitting Committee recommendations.

III. Responsibilities

In addition to the overall responsibilities of the Committee described above and in carrying out its responsibilities regarding clinical health care operations, the charge of the Committee shall include:

  1. Reviewing and making recommendations to the Board regarding:
    1. actions that are appropriate or necessary to assist the Board in overseeing clinical health care operations or coordinating the teaching, research, and clinical missions;
    2. significant actions related to health care which should require advance notice or approval by the Committee or Board; and
    3. other matters referred to it by the Board and University officers.
  2.  Requesting, receiving, and reviewing reports and other information from University officers and advisors regarding health care operations, coordination of the teaching, research, and clinical missions, and related matters, including meeting at least quarterly and receiving regular reports from appropriate officers of University of ŷbƬ Health Care, the MU School of Medicine, and the MU Health Chief Compliance Officer.
  3. Additional matters customarily addressed by the health affairs committee of a governing board for an institution of higher education.

IV. Committee Membership and Quorum Requirements

The Committee’s membership may include non-Curator members in addition to Curator members. Subject to approval of the Board, the Board Chair shall determine the number of Curator and non-Curator members to appoint to the Committee and shall select individuals to serve as members of the Committee; provided that, the number of non-Curator members on the Committee shall not exceed the number of Curator members on the Committee, unless the Committee temporarily has more non-Curator members than Curator members because a Curator member of the Committee has resigned from the Board or the Committee. Non-Curator members may resign their Committee membership by providing written notice to the Board Chair. Non-Curator members of the Committee serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed by the Board Chair at any time, subject to approval of the Board.

A quorum for the transaction of any and all business of the Committee shall exist when:

  1. Both a majority of all Curator members of the Committee and a majority of all members of the Committee are participating for Committee meetings which are held in conjunction with meetings of the Board; or
  2. Both all Curator members of the Committee and a majority of all members of the Committee are participating for Committee meetings which are not held in conjunction with meetings of the Board; or
  3. Both a majority of all Curator members of the Committee and a majority of all members of the Committee are participating for Committee meetings which are held solely for the purpose of reviewing and overseeing compliance matters.


Approved by the Board of Curators:
4-09-20; Amended 2-04-21; 2-3-22; 2-9-23; 2-8-24.

Reviewed 2024-02-13